Page 6 of The Summer I Loved
He nodded, his gaze shifting between her and Bron. Adrianna’s mouth grew more and more dry by the second.
She knew one day he’d find out and he’d come. She’d waited for this moment and tried to prepare for it. No, she wasn’t ready.
"I'll get you some cake!" Bronwyn offered cheerfully. "Would you like coffee? I'll bring it!"
If she weren't dying inside, Adrianna would have smiled. Bronwyn didn't even give Cam a chance to answer and left him staring after her. Her daughter was like a tornado at times. "Sit down, please."
He turned to her and she almost staggered back at the intensity of his gaze. Adrianna's knees turned into jelly. She hurried to take the chair across from the one she was offering him.
His head tilted toward Bron. "She's amazing, smart, and so much like you. I can’t believe how much she knows about art, brush strokes, and baseball. She told me she plays with her school."
Those were his first words and spoken with so much emotion the pressure in her chest built. She swallowed. "I wrote you. I wanted to tell…"
"My father told me." Cameron’s voice turned into ice. "I guess Tommy is a great husband and father. You look more beautiful than ever and she's…everything."
"Tommy?" she asked. What about her old high school boyfriend?
"Yes, Walter said you called to tell him that you and Tommy were getting married and having a baby and that you expected me to keep my promise to stay away from you…"
Her stomach rolled, much like the last time they'd been together. She smoothed a hand over it and shook her head. "Oh God, no. I’ve only seen Tommy once since the day after I last saw you." She stood up. "Cam, listen, there's something you need to know."
"I have cake for you," Bronwyn announced, placing a thick, glazed slice in front of each of them and then addressing Cam. "What kind of coffee would you like? We have a lot of different kinds. Colombian, French Roast, Hazelnut, Ugandan—which everyone swears by and we highly recommend."
"Ugandan. Do you have milk and sugar?" Cam asked her.
She formed her lips into a pout and pressed her index finger to her mouth as if thinking hard and then pointed at him. "Yes!" She walked away giggling.
His mouth drifted open a little and he grabbed the corner of the table with one hand. He turned widened eyes on Adrianna. It was all written there.
Cam knew.