Page 90 of The Summer I Loved
Not today, not after what we’ve been through. Walk away Cam.
He swallowed and breathed. “You know what? It’s been a long day and it’s not the right time to make decisions.” She started to protest but this time he held a hand up. “No, you go shower and snuggle up with her. Just concentrate on her and getting some rest. We’ll talk at another time. Maybe when she’s in school tomorrow.”
“She’s not going to school tomorrow.” Her chin went up and the finality was back in her voice. There would be no arguing with her.
“Fine. She’s probably been through too much. We need to talk to her about what happened anyway. And make an appointment with Doctor Perkins.”
She nodded and paused but then turned around and went into the bathroom, shutting the door.
Cam headed to the living room. He needed to blow off some steam or he was going to punch a wall. He dropped himself on the couch and pressed his fists to his knees. He sat there, going over her words and waited until she came out of the bathroom. She didn’t come to the living room, heading straight to Bron’s room.
He jumped to his feet and pushed away the annoyance that simmered through his body. He needed a drink and a little distance.
He headed downstairs. Lauren was placing a table cloth on a table with Chase hovering over her. His face was too close to hers as he placed the center piece.
“Are you going to help me or get in my way for the rest of the night? I’m trying to go home and sleep. We open tomorrow.” Her voice carried a frost that clashed with the half smile on her lips.
“Well, I—” Cam cleared his throat.
Chase turned around to face him. “What are you doing here?”
“I need a drink.”
Lauren scoffed. “Don’t we all?”
“I think Adrianna is trying to break up with me.”
Chase frowned. “Why?”
Cam wanted to laugh at the incredulous expressions of both of them. “She thinks we distract each other and her attention is not on Bron…”
They stared at him in silence until Lauren moved to the little bar area and came back with three beers. She handed them one each and shot Cam a defiant look. “Well, are you going to let her push you away?”
He didn’t have to think about the answer. He wasn’t going to pretend that he would think about it and give her all the time in the world to change her mind. Because there was only one thing he could say to this.
“Fuck no.”
He’d been too long without her and Bron. They were a family and they were going to stay that way. He just needed to convince her, and the only way he could do that was to prove to her that he could stay in control. He wasn’t losing faith in them and he wouldn’t let his anger or her doubts rob them of their family.