Page 19 of Reign of Wolves
Chapter 5
Sadness gripped my heart as we trudged away from the small cottage I’d called home for so long. I’d built it myself after my parents had died, and I’d spent many long, quiet hours there thinking about my life and dreaming of a future filled with hope and love.
I’d contemplated the meaning of the universe in that cottage. I’d mourned, and cried, and yelled, and screamed. But I’d also baked, danced, and laughed. It had been my home, and now I was leaving it, perhaps forever.
Xander walked beside me and squeezed my hand gently as though to let me know everything was going to be okay. I wasn’t sure how he knew what was in my heart, but it was obvious that he did.
I met his warm gaze squarely and forced a smile to my lips. This was not the time to dwell on the past. Not when my future lay out before me, so bright and happy.
Michael walked ahead of us, and Kyle trailed behind. I leaned into Xander and sighed, pretending we were just going for a simple stroll.
My stomach churned at the thought of what the high warlock had planned for my two men. If he really had used Xander and Kyle’s blood in some sort of dark magic spell, then Michael was likely right. His father would never let them go if he believed they were the key to more power.
We hurried past the final house on the street and made it to the boundary of the town: the edge of the forest.
“Come on,” I said, with a chipper tone in my voice. “You guys can go for a run if we go a bit deeper into the forest.”
I spoke a little louder than was necessary, just in case one of the neighbors heard me.
Xander grinned at me as though he knew what I was doing. Then, as a unit, we walked forward into the forest.
Leaves crunched beneath our feet as we weaved between the trees and followed the path all the way to the veil. I jumped at every noise, scared the high warlock was about to burst out and grab us.
“Almost there,” I whispered, more to myself than anyone else.
The veil shimmered, the light catching the magical barrier. Like sunshine on the silent surface of a pond. I had to tug on Xander’s arm to stop him from walking into the barrier. I could see the veil, but I was pretty sure the wolves couldn’t.
Michael stopped just in front of it and reached for the opening. But he didn’t lift it. Instead, he patted around like he was searching for something he’d lost.
“What’s wrong?” I hissed above the thumping of my heart in my ears.
We were so close. We couldn’t stop now.
Please, please, please. Hurry up.