Page 25 of Reign of Wolves
That wouldn’t be good for them. And ultimately, that wouldn’t be good for Monique.
“When should we do it?” I asked, feeding into his ego. “What do you think is best?”
Oh, powerful unbalanced one.
My father tapped his pursed lips with his pointer finger, pretending to think about his advice, though I was pretty sure he already knew what he wanted to do.
“You said you were going back to Monique’s later?”
I nodded. “Yes, after dinner.”
And those two wolves better not have taken her virginity before I got there. I had the feeling it was important that the three of us were there for her first time...
Assuming I was joining their family. I hadn’t actually told them yes or no.
“You look worried,” my father said.
I nodded, though I wasn’t going to tell him what I was thinking. I was still investigating how he was feeling. “I am. Monique might want to leave with them tomorrow. And they’re powerful shifters. They won’t go down without a fight.”
My father chuckled. “I subdued them very easily when they first came into my house. As long as they stay within our realm, we have the advantage.”
And there was the key to everything. In our realm, my father had amplified powers. Outside of it, everyone magical was weaker and the wolves had a chance to use their strength against us. How well they’d do in a fight, I wasn’t sure, but they would definitely have a better chance out there than they did in here.
“Why don’t we just let them go?” I asked him, taking a punt. If my dad thought I was on his side, maybe we’d have a chance to run away, tonight. “I’ll seduce Monique and keep her in bed. You kick the wolf shifters out and lock the realm. They’ll never get back in, and they’ll eventually leave.”
Panic flashed over my father’s face, then he settled. “I could do that, Michael. You’re right.”
I grinned at him. “Then we have a plan?”
“Yes, but I believe you’ll need a love potion to subdue Monique. She seems to be quite... enamored with the two beasts.”
I forced a smile to my face. “No problem, Father. I am quite adept at love spells these days. I’ll brew one before I head back over there.”
I wasn’t adept at them, but I did know how to make one. Most witches and warlocks did, of course. I’d never had use for a love spell and would never force a woman to have sex with me. But the spells were simple, and I didn’t trust my father to make me one. He’d put enough power in the potion to knock her out till next week.
“Very good.” He smiled as the kettle whistled behind me.
“Would you like a cup of tea as well as Mother?” I asked.
I turned my back on him to take the rose painted cups off the shelf and made my parents and myself a cup of tea. All the while, I knew my father was scheming about how to take the wolves away and pretend to kick them out of the realm.
He wouldn’t let them go, of course. He would be planning where to store them. Where to hide them.
I excused myself to build the love potion for Monique, but I had something else up my sleeve, too.