Page 30 of Reign of Wolves
Chapter 8
Xander’s lips were on my neck and I was beginning to relax, part of me thinking that if I only had another hour with them, maybe this was the way I should spend it? Naked and wrapped in each other’s arms.
But then it hit me. In this realm the wolves were weaker, but we were stronger.We.Not just the high warlock.Me too!I could give them protection against magic. I’d seen spells this afternoon for exactly that thing. But I hadn’t been looking for a way to protect them in a fight. I’d been looking for a way to run.
I tossed back the covers and threw a quick tidying spell at my body. The magic cleaned and covered my body in a long black maxi dress. Then I grabbed up the books on the floor, desperately searching for the one with the purple flower.
“Here it is!” I cried when I grabbed the book and ran back to the bed with it. I put the book on the blanket and flicked open the first few pages.
“What are you looking for?” Xander asked, sitting up in bed to stare at me with those piercing blue eyes.
Fuck, he was sexy. Huge shoulders and massive arms, a white sheet laying across his waist.
I glanced away from my Alpha mate and down at the pages of my book so I didn’t lose my concentration. “I found a spell earlier today that I think we can use.”
“What does it do?”
“It’s to protect you against magic,” I explained, flipping the pages until I found what I was looking for. “Yes! This one!”
I looked up and grinned at the big shifter. “This spell with give you an armor, of sorts. If anyone does magic against you, it’ll stop that magic harming you.” That was my biggest worry in regard to the high warlock—what magic he’d use against them if he got his hands on my wolves.
Kyle shuffled closer. “Seriously? How long will it last?”
“Ah...” I glanced down at the spell and read the whole thing. It wasn’t a simple spell. In fact, I wasn’t sure I had all the ingredients. But I’d raid my neighbor’s house if I had to. “It doesn’t say, but it will have a limit. Maybe a few big spells?”
“Is that enough?” Kyle asked.
I jumped up off the bed, taking the book with me. “I don’t know. But at this point, it’s the best we’ve got. I’m going to go brew this up. Hopefully won’t be too long.”
As luck would have it, the only ingredient I didn’t have in my kitchen, was in my garden. I ran outside for the special type of purple flower, plucked it from its stem, then ran back inside again.
I added all the ingredients to the small cauldron that had been my mother’s, boiling up the concoction on the stove. When I stirred it and stared down into the mixture, it was an orangey-red color. Like a burnt sunset. It gave me a good feeling. This was the right step forward.
When it was done, I checked the dosage via the book and poured the now dark orange mixture into four vials. That was enough for two doses for each of the shifters, so I stoppered two of them and hid them in one of my cupboards behind the flour and sugar tins.