Page 43 of Reign of Wolves
He nodded. “I thought so. I didn’t bother making it earlier because I wasn’t sure if we’d find a weakness to use the spell on. And I never believed the door would be open!”
“Yeah, I totally get it. So, what do we do?” I couldn’t just conjure this spell up, standing here, in the middle of the woods.
“I’ll stay here,” he offered. “We need to keep this open, just in case Dad gets paranoid and locks it again.”
“But I need your blood for the potion,” I told him, noting that the spell needed the blood added to the potion somewhere in the middle of the process.
Michael whispered the words of a spell, the jacket on his left arm disappearing. Now there was just skin and flesh for me to touch. “Take what you need now.”
I shuddered at the thought, and took a moment to feel sick about what I had to do.Yuck. Needles. Blood. Ew.
Then I straightened my spine. I could do this. I had to.
I set the lantern on the ground once more and magicked up a syringe, holding the unfamiliar object in my hand. “I’m not quite sure how to do this.”
“Just slide it into one of my veins and take what you need.”
He sounded way too calm for this. My stomach was churning and my hands shook. But I forced myself to calmly insert the needle, and pull back on the syringe.
Red blood filled the tube, and I swallowed hard. Then I pulled the needle out of his arm.
I looked Michael straight in the eye as I picked up the lantern once more. “I won’t be long.”
“It’s okay.” He magicked his sleeve into existence once more. “Take your time. I’m not going anywhere.”
I went to turn away, then thought better of it. Moments were precious, and I couldn’t let another minute go by without letting Michael know how I felt.
I held the needle carefully away from my body, then twisted around and closed the gap between us. Then, just as if I’d done it a thousand times before, I kissed him.
The warlock moaned softly as I pressed close, working my lips on his until he deepened the kiss. His tongue swept against mine and I clung to him with my free hand.
Delicious need swept through my belly, and I knew that he was definitely one of my mates.
When I finally pulled away, everything inside of me pulsed with how right it was to have kissed Michael. Fated mates.
With bruised lips that still felt his imprint, I cupped his cheek, then stepped away. “I’ll be right back.” Then I rushed off in the direction of my cottage once more.
Once I got home and began the process, I discovered the spell was as difficult as I’d feared. I had to make two runs to two different gardens in town for ingredients, and the measurements had to be exact. When I added Michael’s blood, it made the potion bubble and boil and turn a sickening shade of bright green.
I stirred and stirred, re-reading the piece of paper all over again. The instructions said to keep stirring, and wait until the potion turned yellow. But that still seemed a long way away from this noxious-looking color.
I didn’t stop stirring. This was a good plan. It would work. It had to.
Once we got the wolves away from the high warlock, we’d be able to escape into the forest if the veil was open. And this potion was our best shot at keeping it that way.
The only question that remained, was how would we find and rescue Xander and Kyle? We didn’t even know where they were being held.