Page 56 of Reign of Wolves
He chuckled, seeming pleased that I asked. “I’m so glad you noticed. Do you think it’ll do?”
“For what? Your funeral?” I asked, lifting an eyebrow.
He didn’t even falter, just smiled even brighter. “Oh no. This is a happy occasion. My son is to be married today.”
He let the words hang in the air, allowing them to sink into us like a hot poker into our flesh.
The bastard knew exactly what effect his words would have on us.
I couldn’t ask the next question. My throat was tight and my mouth dry. My wolf rose so quickly in response to my panic, I wasn’t sure I could even talk now.
“Who’s he marrying?” Kyle asked quietly. He knew, too, but it seemed he couldn’t resist twisting the goddamn poker.
I met my Beta’s gaze and in his eyes, his shifter strained to get out.
We both knew the answer, but could we handle hearing it stated out loud?
“Monique. Of course,” the high warlock said with glee. “He is my heir after all, which means he has the choice of anyone in the realm. And his choice is the same red-haired witch that you’re both enamored with.”
I tried not to move a muscle. I did not want to show him a hint of the anger boiling inside of me. But my fingers curled into tight fists, and I began to shake.
The high warlock’s gaze rested on my clenched hands, and then he chuckled. “While I know this is an opportune time for more blood withdrawal, unfortunately, I’m running a little late. So, I will see you both after the ceremony. While my son enjoys his wedding night with his new wife, I will be back here to draw more of your blood.”
The rumble rose up from my chest, sticking in my throat as I held onto control by a hairsbreadth. The high warlock inclined his head without breaking eye contact and disappeared from sight.
I threw back my head and howled.
Kyle dropped his head into his hands. I was in danger of going berserk. I almost grabbed him by the scruff of the neck and threw him across the room.
But I didn’t. Of course. My rage was better aimed at the one who deserved it.
Fucking bastard of a warlock. Michael.
He’d tricked us, and now he had Monique.
He was clearly no better than his damn father.
“I knew we couldn’t trust him,” I said between my shifting teeth. I paced up and down the room, trying to keep myself in human form. My wolf couldn’t help me now. Somehow, I had to get my control back.
“I just don’t believe it,” Kyle muttered, lifting his head to reveal his anguished expression.
“I do. He wanted Monique, and he took his chance to get us out of the way.”
Kyle sighed. “I still don’t believe she’d willingly marry him. Not unless she was under duress.”
“Duress?” I practically spat out the word. “He threw a love potion at her, then they kidnapped us! What more evidence do you need? Of course, she’s being forced into this!”
I didn’t blame Monique, not for one single moment. I knew she had feelings for Michael, and probably aways would. But if she was in her right mind, there was no way she’d be marrying him today while leaving us to rot in this underground dungeon.
My arms continued to shake from stress and rage, so I forced myself to release my clenched hands and let the blood flow through my limbs.
“What are we going to do?” Kyle asked.
I sat down on my bed with a loud thump. Whatcouldwe do from the depths of this fucking prison?
“I have no goddamn idea.”