Page 66 of Reign of Wolves
Xander turned off the truck and came around to help Michael out of the car. The rain was torrential, and I was drenched within moments of getting out of the truck.
Kyle and Xander together helped Michael to the front door, carrying him one on each side.
Michael waved his hand high in the air, and the door opened. “Come in, come in.”
We rushed inside, out of the storm, as lightning flashed and thunder continued to crash over our heads.
“Is this place safe?” I asked Michael as the guys put him on the couch.
“As safe as we’re gonna get at this point,” he said. “I’ll just lock the wards.”
He groaned as he summoned his magic, struggling as much as I was with the new environment, and flicked his wrist, locking all the doors and windows to protect us.
I shivered, water dripping on the floor. “How about I build us all a fire?”
Michael stared at me. “Do you have enough magic?”
I checked my internal battery. “Yeah. I think so.”
We weren’t getting sick because of that asshole high warlock.
I closed my eyes, summoned what little magic I had left, and sent a wave of drying heat through the room. When I opened my eyes, everyone was smiling—and dry.
I walked over to the fireplace and waved my hand to start a fire with what little magic strength I had left.
Everyone settled in around the room.
I stumbled over to the armchair, my stomach churning. “Damn, I could use a drink.”
“Hell yeah,” Xander said.
Michael pointed to the kitchen. “There’s alcohol, bottled water, and food in the fridge. It’s always stocked, and my magic ensures the food will be fresh even if I’m away for a while.”
“Good man.” Kyle grinned, before trudging over to the kitchen to get supplies. “I don’t know about witches and warlocks but shifters love their food and drink.”
I stood up, swaying from fatigue. “Actually, I think I need a quick shower to freshen up before food.”
Xander lifted his gaze to meet mine head-on. “Then can we talk about this... wedding... thing.”
I nodded. “Definitely.”
“Bathroom is just through the bedroom there,” Michael said. “Fresh towels in the cupboard. Take as long as you want. I don’t think we’ll be going anywhere tonight.”
I smiled at him. “Thanks.”
Kyle came back with an armful of beers and placed them on the table, then went back to the kitchen for more supplies.
I couldn’t eat right now. It wasn’t that I was desperate to wash, but I really needed a minute to get my head together. I left the living room and headed to the warmth and space of the shower.
How was I going to explain everything to Kyle and Xander so that they would forgive me? I loved them so much, but I had just married another man, without them even knowing about it, let alone being present for the event.
Would this day forever stay in our hearts as the day everything fell apart?