Page 8 of A Pirate of Her Own
Why was she lying about her knowledge?
This was certainly no random fictitious piece just thrown together by a girl’s whimsy. She had included everything, from his being an orphan impressed in the British navy to his days as a privateer.
And then to talk about his exploits of freeing the American sailors who were still being victimized by the British navy…
Nay, there were far too many details of his life that she knew. This woman’s story did all but list his name and address. He couldn’t afford for her to reveal his identity. The British government would like nothing more than to lay hands on him. But right now all they had was an alias.
And he would dowhateverhe had to do to guard his secret.
Suddenly a light flashed behind her empyrean eyes and humor danced in their depths.
She stood and gave him a bright smile that lit up her entire face.“Oh, my goodness, I know who you are.”Laughing, she winked at him. “Douglas sent you, didn’t he? I should have known from the instant I saw you!”
Completely baffled, he straightened.
Was this some trick to throw him off guard?
Aye, distraction was a clever ruse. One he had used countless times against his opponents. Blindside your foe with inconsequential matters until he loses his focus. Then he’s yours. It was a ploy that worked almost as well as his glare.
But he wasn’t one to fall for such trickery. No one made a fool of Morgan Drake. Nor did anyoneeverget the better of him.
“Who is Douglas?”
Moving to stand by his side, she laughed again. “As if you didn’t know,” she said, laying a gentle hand on his arm and giving a light squeeze.
Was she daft? Morgan opened his mouth to speak.
“I can’t believe I didn’t know it when I first saw you coming in,” she said before he had a chance to say a word.
Her smile widening even more, she walked a slow circle around him, talking all the while. “You’re perfect. Absolutely perfect. Just as I described you. Why, it’s even raining outside. If I didn’t know better, I’d think Douglas had even orderedthat.”
She lifted his hat off her desk, turned it around in her hands, then tapped the brim. “Why, you even had your hat perched precariously on your head, just as Douglas said you would.” She placed his hat on her head as a demonstration.
Morgan went cold.
So, she did know him. Somehow this little chit had learned his identity.
Once more he tried to speak.
“Why did you agree to this?” the girl asked, removing his hat.
“You couldn’t have made it all up,”she said, dropping her voice two octaves as she attempted to mimic his earlier words. “Of course I didn’t make it all up. I did do some investigating. Even if I am a woman, I’m also a good reporter when Idoget a real story to report. I can’t believe Douglas would have you interrogate me so. It’s probably his way of showing me why my father won’t let me go down to the docks. Imagine my trying to gain information from a man like you!” She rolled her eyes dramatically. “Why, my father would have my head. You can tell Douglas I got his point, but he could have made it in a much gentler fashion.”
Her smile enchanting, she brushed a piece of lint from his hat. “Oh, he’s a clever one to be sure! It’ll take some doing to top this. But I’m definitely up to the challenge.”
As she continued her babbling, a strange odor caught him by surprise. It seemed to be encircling him.
Confusion dampened his temper while he glanced about for the source. It had to be turpentine, yet he couldn’t imagine where it came from.
Then he realized its source.
It washer.
No, his logic argued. It couldn’t be. He leaned forward a tad and took a discreet sniff as she passed once more before him.
It was definitely turpentine and she was wearing it like French perfume!