Page 9 of Enslaved by Anubis
Rage fillsmy heart and boils my blood as I march down the street of this so-called city. I have never seen such barbarity in my life. And to inflict such horrifying things on your own people is beyond my understanding. It seems that everything I have read about the humans is completely accurate. A part of me wanted to believe that there must be more to them than the mindless violence and hatred towards each other and everything around them, but it seems that this is the only thing they respond to. In order to control the humans, I must become like them.
A plunge my sword into another native who was kicking an elderly human in the head as he begged for mercy. I push the assailant into the gutter and continue on my way. I had not expected to become so passionate so fast. I understand now why they wanted me for this job. I have always had a reputation as an abnormally calm and calculated individual. These traits allowed me to excel in my studies and become a great pupil of Thenha’ta. It is clear to me that these humans have no idea what it takes to be a proficient and noble warrior. The powerful have the responsibility to uphold moral order, not abuse it. That is the first law of Thenha’ta, and one that I had assumed was universal, but, alas, nothing could be further from the truth in this cesspool of a civilization.
I wonder, had the general selected someone from their ranks, how they would have reacted down here. I try to imagine the kindly Rah putting the fear of Anubis into these humans and I can’t help but smile a little. The more I go about the business of putting this place into shape, the more I start to think I might actually be the man for the job.
I smash open the palace doors with my boot and cannot quite believe what I am seeing. A dark, candle-lit room filled with endless violence, fornication, and degradation of the lowest sort. If I had not already witnessed what the humans are capable of, I think I would whole-heartedly believe I was in some kind of moleculizer-induced nightmare. However, this is no hallucination. Right in front of my very eyes, I witness acts of such a vile nature that I am forced to avert my eyes. The pathetic humans have not even noticed me come in since they are so busy with their filth.
It does not take an anthropological expert on humans to see that the females here are being subjected to these acts against their will. This makes my blood boil even hotter, and I can barely keep up with my rage. I storm into a room that has a female hanging from the ceiling and two natives fornicating with her. They finally see me, but it is too late now. I grab the first, forcing his disgusting member out of the poor female’s mouth, and throw him against the wall, knocking him out. The second attempts to escape, but I take him by the throat and smash him into the stone. His black eyes look back at me with disbelief and I can smell the stench of fear leaking out of his pores. I take my flaming sword and force it against his testicles. The twisted pervert screams out in agony as I, rather clumsily, slice them off his body. The blood comes gushing onto my boots. I kick the flabby sack into the corner as I turn around and cut the bonds of the female. The male savage falls to his knees weeping in agony behind me as I remove the disgusting contraption from the female’s mouth. She looks up at me in complete awe, and I continue on my way.
I slaughter room after room of these degenerates and release the females who have been forced to submit themselves to their violent whims. The native scum are in too much of a sex-fueled trance to fight back properly. Even if they would fight back, resistance would be futile. I have no doubt that even the greatest human fighter would stand no chance against me. I have spent my life training in combat and martial arts to become a master of Thenha’ta. The humans only seem competent in savagery. There is no honor in what they are doing, so I will show them no honor. The human males that I don’t kill on the spot, I make sure to castrate, so they will no longer be able to harm anyone with their urges. If they are not strong enough to control those urges, then they should not have them at all.
Having liberated more than a dozen females, I find myself covered in blood. I do not know exactly how many natives I have murdered or mutilated, but not a single one will be left to continue its horrid ways. I make my way into a large illuminated chamber and see that the barbarity has not stopped. In here, there are more females than males, and they are all chained together while others are forced to act as seats and footstools for these disgusting animals.
I roar in anger as I wonder whether these halls of debauchery will ever end. I realize that I was not supposed to take too many lives according to my mission statement. I got lost in the moment there for a while, and now, despite my rage, I recognize that a change in tactics might be necessary. Having gotten the attention of the savages with my thunderous roar, I wield the flaming sword of vengeance over my head and bellow, “I am Anubis, lord of the underworld. You have been worshiping a false god, and I am here to bring an end to your sacrilege!”
Dumbstruck, the half-dozen males in the room look me up and down and realize that I am the real deal. I look more like their feared god than any human possibly could.
All of them leave their present activities and bow down in front of me. My first instinct is to decapitate the sorry bunch of them, but I restrain myself for the sake of the mission.
“I demand that you point me in the direction of he who has taken my place!”
Without hesitation all six of them rise from their position on the floor and point toward a small opening at the end of the chamber. The first glimmer of daylight I have seen within the palace shines through the entrance. I walk over to the chained females and break their chains with my weapon. The females all fall to the ground in front of me and prostrate themselves. The naked ones who have been serving the savages do the same.
I sigh and walk past the bowing mass of humans. I make my way toward the opening of light. It is time to put an end to this bullshit, once and for all.