Page 104 of Hidden
“No, no, no, sisters please get up,” Calai urges them. “He is no more a god than you or I. We have much to discuss. Would you all be more comfortable in the gathering hall, or out here?”
Red headed omega stands in response, eyes questioning what Calai might say next. Calai told us she was the chosen one of her people, and apparently that comes with a healthy dose of clout. They all obey her without question and stop their bowing.
“Calai, how can you look at my eyes, and tell me he is not our Beloved One? Surely you remember that day the same as I. Great Mother brought him to us. She prayed, and he appeared.”
Whispers pour through the crowd around us at these words, women pointing and trembling in fear, trembling in excitement. None of them make any further move toward us, even though I can tell that they want to. They’re too well trained to make themselves stand out in such a way.
Calai pulls me so I'm standing next to her, holding my arm with both of her hands. “I say he’s not our god, because our god doesn’t exist.” The women start shouting at her, and the atmosphere changes, making me expect a fight to break out. My girl knows exactly how to calm them though, making her voice stronger so she can take control back of the situation. “No wait. Hear me out, please listen to me sisters. We’ve all been told a great many things about this life. Great Mother has instilled in us the need to be obedient, the need to be pious. Our lives are ordered, neat. We do everything as she has said to.
“This is going to shock a lot of you, you may want to sit down. Great Mother… is not who you think she is. You may think this blasphemous, treasonous even. But it’s still the truth.
“You see, after Eln fell to her death, naturally I screamed. I saw her blood, so much of it… I loved her. It was too much pain for my body to process, so the only thing I could do is try to rush toward her and scream. By there were others with me in the woods, others I did not know about. They were there for the express reason of getting to me. They took me to their home, and I’ve gotten to know them.
“I’ve been spending these last couple of weeks since adjusting to my new life. These walls that we surround ourselves with, they're not as strong nor as tall as you think they are. I know you think the world around us is in shambles. That if you were to wander outside of here, you’d find nothing but devastation. And you think that, because that is what has been drilled into us over and over again. However, it's simply not true. I've seen it with my own eyes; life goes on everywhere, some of it not even very far from where we are now.”
“Why do you speak such lies, sister mine? Are you so changed having been away from your true home for this short period? Even the way you speak is foreign to me.”
“Dara, look into my eyes and see the truth. I speak these words, because I have seen them myself, experienced them firsthand. None of us belong here. Most of us have families elsewhere, looking for us. Do any of you have vague memories, maybe dreams that you’ve written off, of different places, different people? I dreamt for years of a yellow slide at a playground full of children. I thought I was crazy. Until my alphas brought me to the real world, and I found out that it wasn’t a dream, it was a memory. I was at that playground as a child, before Great Mother took me. She took me, and she hid me away. She ripped me from my true family. My blooded family. She had no right to do this, no right to change everything inside my brain, to rewire it to her liking.
“There’s so much you all need to know, so much to learn. I cannot be the one to tell you all of it, because there’s simply too much. We are raised here with the knowledge that sisters run the world. That we are all that exists. It’s another lie. As you can see before you, others exist. Males exist. These are my mates. They have been helping me, teaching me. This is my pack. They accept me, nurture me, support me.
“This man behind me, this is my father. The one next to him, my brother,” she says pointing to Parker. “They form part of my family that I was taken from.
“The rest of the people that have come with me are law enforcement officers. They’re here to help you. Please cooperate with them, they only want to find where we all belong.”
“How do you know we truly all belong somewhere?Thisis our home.” Someone calls out from the audience.
“It is only our home because we were told it is so. Itwasour home because we have forgotten our strength. It has been worked out of us. All of us are worth more than we’ve been given.”
“Where is Great Mother?” An outraged voice cries. “She knows all. She should be here to protect us. We don’t believe you; we demand to see Great Mother!”
Our pack draws closer to Calai, sensing her distress. She’s doing so well, but this fight is too big for her to win alone. I feel like I’m already done sharing her with all these other people. I just want to take her away from this place, bring her back home, get her comfortable, and then strip her down. I want to bury myself inside of her and ride her until all this negativity has been washed from her body. I want to see all of her mates sate her, and then let her collapse in our arms.
A police officer steps forward with a mug shot of their so-called leader. He holds it up, turning in a circle so that everybody can see it. “This? This is your leader?”
All the women nod, with their faces slackening. “Why does she look that way? What did you do to her?”
All of us alphas and August included, crack a wide smile at that. The mug shot is kind of glorious. Her face wasn’t anything nice to look at before, but after Kit got done with her? Let’s just say she won’t be winning any beauty pageants anytime soon. I feel positively giddy seeing some of the repayment towards her immortalized on film.
The crowd grows a little more restless, and like me and the rest of my pack, the police seem to sense that we could have a very large problem on our hands if everybody were to start panicking. Although, they’re professionals. They came in here knowing the situation. No doubt every police officer here was hand selected for this mission based on their qualifications to handle it. Their tones stay even and calm, reassuring even. “Please,” he pleads with them, “truly we mean no harm. We can’t help you if everyone gets worked up. We understand this must come as a shock to you, to have your world tipped over. But hiding from the truth won’t change it.”
A female police officer steps forward next, and she seems to make the gathered women a little bit more comfortable. Its still weird as shit to me that their cult leader taught them that my sex doesn't exist. “Your leader, her name is Greta Williamson. She’s currently incarcerated, for a multitude of reasons.”
“What does that mean? What does any of this mean?” Another voice calls out.
Once again, Calai takes the lead. She knows these people, she lived with them for years. She gestures for the police to step back, likely realizing that their presence here is doing more harm than good at the moment. They’re too different for these women to figure out right now.
“I told you Great Mother took me when I was a child. It is likely that she took most of us when we were little. I’ve truly been experiencing life in the real world since leaving here, and Great Mother did not like that. I was having a meal with my pack, and she showed up. She wanted to take me back. She hurt me, hurt my pack. She was going to take me away from them, and never bring me back. My alphas protected me. They kept me safe because she put me in a position of danger. She does not protect us. She hasneverprotected us. We need to be protectedfromher.
“She is a criminal. She has set this whole compound up, based off her delusions. I know a lot of you will fight me on this, and I want you to. These are your lives we are talking about here, and lives are not meant to be played with like game pieces. But that’s exactly what we’ve all been through.
“Most of us have been here since childhood, some of us have been born here, created in the ritual that Great Mother created.”
A few older omegas step forward with young behind them. “How can you say it was all fake, when Great Mother blessed us with our nameless ones?”
I let out a growl at that. The fact that the children aren’t even dignified with names is all sorts of fucked up.
“I was the chosen one. I was meant to be just like you,” she says addressing the omegas. “The truth is, Great Mother was not to just taking innocent children. She was also finding a way to capture alphas. These men behind me exude this presence that most of you probably can easily feel; they are alphas. They are powerful. And their biology dictates that they take omegas as mates. Great Mother knew this, and she used it to her advantage. She kept them locked up, and presented them to omegas who knew no better. When you all thought you were being visited by our god, you were simply being attended to by alphas that she had taken against their will. You should be outraged, because she used your bodies the most.”