Page 20 of Hidden
Chapter Seven
I bang my head against this stupid fucking wall for the millionth time today, praying that this will be the time that renders me deaf, so I don’t have to listen to the crazy fucking woman that thinks she’s holding me captive.
There’s fury pumping through my system still at being removed from my omega, because my physiology hasn’t caught up with the part of my brain that knows we have a plan to reunite. I’m a slave to my instincts.
This cult bitch is speaking with some other cult bitches, and they sound upset. They keep mentioning some girl named Eln, and I tune it out until they mention ‘the chosen bride’. Even with the few braincells I have left from all this head banging, I can figure out thatthatrefers to what is mine. The sweet omega they dangled in front of me and then snatched away.
Even now, simply the memory of her body and her scent has my fingers curling, longing to hold her against me as I claim her. It shouldn’t be too much longer until my pack brothers break me out of here, and I have to assume that their part of the plan went smoothly, that they were able to secure our mate and get her away. It sounds like there might have been an accident along the way though, and I pray to whoever is listening that whoever got hurt doesn’t affect my omega.
Cult bitch starts talking about me now, and I make a game out of trying to figure out how solidly I can ignore her words. I don’t need to hear any of her bullshit. I’m only here because I chose to be. Okay, maybe I’m well and truly fucked for the time if my pack brothers aren’t able to spring me free immediately, but I trust them.
More footsteps approach and against my best wishes my head turns towards them, because I’m registering omega pheromones. The longer I go without possessing one makes it harder and harder to stay sane, and I find myself once again fighting a battle to remain in control of my body.
I know if I cede control to the beast so eager to rise, I’d be at those bars that are keeping me here, demanding they hand over the omega, but the only thighs I want to rut in between are not here. I keep her silhouette in my mind, imagining the color of her eyes, so I don’t give into this other, sub-par female they’re clearly trying to offer me.
These females seem almost angry I’m not taking the bait, but there’s something far greater waiting for me. Eventually they remove her, promising she’ll be back later to visit. But I don’t give a fuck. I don’t want her to come back.
All of the voices disappear then so I go back to my other favorite game, the one I call counting how many cracks are in the cement ceiling. A fuck ton, that’s how many.
I’m starving, and I know that’s intentional. I’m easier to subdue if I’m underfed. I pull my hair at its root to relieve stress, reminding myself why I’m doing all this. It's forher.
A couple things happen all at once then; the distinct sound of bodies being assaulted and falling to the floor, the unmistakable aura of confusion and terror, and the I’d-know-them-anywhere footfalls of my pack brother, Colter. He grunts as he unlocks my temporary cage, and I stand up whistling, taking a moment to stretch once I’m outside my cell because now I actuallycan.
He sneaks me through a window, and I follow without a care in the world- if he’s coming to spring me free, then everything has worked as we had hoped it would. There’s distant yells and screams shouting from somewhere in the compound, which is music to my ears. I also smell my favorite scent- things burning.
I quirk an eyebrow up at Colter.
“Would you believe me if I told you it was an accident?”
I scale the wall we’re ducking behind real quick to see if I can get a clearer picture of the mayhem he’s sowed in his brief stay here. Flames are crawling from the roof of one of the main buildings in the compound, and terribly dressed women are scurrying all over the place like cockroaches, as if it’s worth saving. I’ll let you in on a little secret- it isn’t.
This whole compound needs to be razed to the ground. Wild, overgrown forest with possums and owls nesting in it would be a vast improvement to this hell hole.
Now, normally I enjoy the pain of others, but the absolute wrongness that seems to make up the cornerstones of every damn brick they’ve used to erect this place makes my skin crawl. I was only able to handle listening to all the shit that cult bitch said over the past few weeks because I knew my stay here was to be short lived- if I thought there was any chance that my residence here would become permanent, I’d be chomping at the bit to get them to shut up so I didn’t have to listen to the garbage they spew like a loose asshole spews gas.
The fact that any of the unfortunate women that reside here believe any of the lies that their blessed fucking leader tells them is an absolute mystery to me- I suppose when you’re brainwashed though, it’s easy to believe what you’re told.
“An accident, huh?” I ask, dropping down to the ground soundlessly as we head out to the woods to meet up with Kit. “What an absolute tragedy. That must have made you feel terrible when you saw those flames claiming that building,” I drawl with zero inflection.
Colter smirks. “I’m sure I’ll have nightmares about my shortcomings later,” he tells me as we pick up the pace. We find an easy pace through the woods, weaving in and out of trees, hopping over fallen logs, soaking in the lingering scent of that mouthwatering omega they teased me with.
Before long we’re upon a cabin that seems abandoned now with its door hanging open and shoes laying on the porch with no one to claim them, a blanket laid out next to a lake and… “Is that blood?”
I dart to the dark red spot and obvious body impressions on the ground, fear clouding me. “What the hell happened?” I don’t listen to the logical part of my brain that informs me it’s the wrong scent to be our omega, I just know that it’s in the vicinity of where she was and I don’t like it.
Colter puts a steadying hand on my shoulder. “Calm, brother. It wasn’t hers. She wasn’t harmed; at least she wasn’t when I left her with Kit this morning.”
I look around, needing something to confirm his story before I’ll abandon this place for good. I find a shawl or wrap of sorts lying on the blanket and it’s absolutely steeped in omega perfume. I bring it to my face and inhale the spiced peach and bourbon scent which simultaneously calms me and has me sprinting off into the woods to find its owner.
“If that wasn’t her blood, then who’s was it?” I call over my shoulder, once again running through the trees with the wrap stuffed into my back pocket.
“Her companion’s.”
“Fuck. What the hell did you guys do? How badly did the capture get botched?”
“Would you chill, man? It wasn’t even on us. She was being reckless and wanted to jump from the bloody rocks above the lake. Slipped and caved in her head.”