Page 53 of Hidden
I get lost in my mind for a minute, replaying that scene where I almost kissed her. How close I was! Parker smirks at me. “Do you like her? You’re totally crushing on our sister. Dude, that’s gross.”
Shit. Was this going to be a thing? Would they think I was sick? I rub the back of my head and tug at my beard, needing something to do with my hands. “I doubt she’d even look at me that way. She’s an omega after all, has no need for a beta. She’s already mated.”
Parker appraises me deeper and I feel like I’m on display. Uncomfortable. But this is Parker, I can tell him anything. “There’s something there. I don’t understand it, but when I saw her, smelled her, talked to her, it was like…like seeing the sun for the first time. I felt all tingly and alert and like she was the only thing that existed.”
“Holy shit. Do you think you’re fated? That’s almost exactly how I’d describe my first meeting with my alphas.”
“It’s not like it’s going to work out, anyway.”A tightness forms in my chest, the thought of walking away from her, never seeing her again cutting into me. But what other option do I have?
“Oh my god, this is crazy. You really felt that connection with her? Do you think she felt it too?”
“She said she didn’t, but I don’t believe her. She was way too aware of me.”
“Well you’re right in that it won’t work out; if you do nothing, that is. You need to talk to her alphas, talk to her, figure out a way tomakeit work. You only get one fated mate. This is why you’ve never been in any serious relationships, isn’t it? I know it’s not super common for betas to meet their fated, but…fuck. This is so exciting!”
From telling me I’m gross to being pumped for me- this guy was hard to stay sane around. But I loved him anyway. His omega nature had him being pretty emotional and needy, but he’s one of the absolute best people I know.
“I don’t know how to even approach that. It’s not like they’re going to believe me if I tell them I think she’s my mate. You know how suspicious that sounds? Plus, she seems really overwhelmed already with all these changes. Maybe it’s best if I lay low for a bit, give her some space to kind of get used to her new life.”
“I can’t make you do anything, but you need to at least saysomething, before they go.”
“I’ll think about it.”
I go to sit back outside, not wanting to be around anyone else right now as I puzzle through everything, but the direction of the wind has my omega’s scent blowing straight at me. It’s laced with the fresh pine smell coming from the forest, but that only makes it more appealing.
I take a seat on one of the outdoor lounges and close my eyes, wrapping the scent around me in case this is all I get. It’s absolute torture to smell her arousal and know I’m missing her voice calling out at the apparent pleasure she’s experiencing, and my dick thinks he’s invited to the party, too, because he’s massively hard, but I ignore all that. I let her scent calm me and ground me, telling my heart to not get to ahead of itself because we don’t know what’s going to happen.