Page 70 of Hidden
“Yeah, you're right James. We're definitely murdering that bastard.” Colter’s voice sounds so cold that I have to sneak a glance. The word that comes to mind is pure fury.
“August got hit just as hard in the stomach if you recall. Would you like to keep looking, or have you idiots learned your lesson about trying to manage me?”
“August is a big boy. And not our mate,” Kit replies curtly.
“He was also fucking innocent,” I bite out, surprised how easily the swear word slips out of my mouth. “Do you even care he was trying to protect me? That if it weren't for him Gavin likely would have done more than just make lewd wishes?”
“Don't be dumb, guys. Remember what we talked about? Omegas need softer affection and calmer temperaments. She's on our side. Or, at least, she wants to be. How quickly she comes back, or whether or not she comes back, depends on how you continue to react to the situation.”
I make a snap judgement. Remembering how James allowed himself to get hurt instead of fight back against Owen, and how he’s been constantly fighting for me, I feel good about making up with him. Maybe it will keep me sane and take some of this emotional pain away if I go to see at least him.
“James, can we…maybe meet tomorrow?”
He smirks at his pack mates and rubs his hands together, looking like he just won some grand prize. “I would love to, Calai. Can I take you out for breakfast?”
“Can you even drive with that leg?”
He makes a noncommittal grunt. “You let me worry about that, pretty girl. I'll pick you up at 8?”
“Do you know where August lives?”
I hear the front door close and then footsteps, so I start signing as I speak so he doesn't feel left out.
“As if we'd just sit back without digging up everything about that guy while you're staying with him.”
I lower my shirt, taking a second to ask August if everything went OK bringing Parker back to Owen. He gives me an almost-there smile that has me thinking about that K word again.
“Then back to the other matter at hand,” Colter says with more than a hint of jealousy at James’ special treatment. “If you want to be with August, we support you.”
I stare at them, waiting for a catch. Or a discussion, orsomething.But apparently that's all they have to say on the matter.
“Not that I am going to let you question me or pretend that you have a say in who I develop feelings for, but you really have nothing else to say on the matter?”
August comes up behind me, tapping me on the shoulder to get my attention. “Before you do something you can't take back, are you sure? About me?”
“Shouldn't I be?”I quip back. “Are you telling me you're having second thoughts? They're not that bad once you get past the alpha posturing. They're house trained and everything.”
I keep the conversation between just August and I, not caring about the double standard I've just set to make sure August knows what's going on but not caring if the alphas can follow along.
“House trained, you say? I was worried about that. But no, no second thoughts from me. You’re already in here,”he says, tapping his chest. “This past week with you has only solidified what I knew I felt that first day you were throwing a tantrum in my woods.”
“I was not throwing a tantrum. I was having a meltdown. There's a difference.”
August rolls his eyes at me but hearing him tell me nothing has changed for him, I'm ready to get back to the other conversation at hand.
“We’re not dumb enough to try and keep him from you, if he's what you want. But don't think this means you can go around collecting mates at whim. This is a special consideration, and only because we like the way you smile when you talk to him.”
And then, shocking the hell out of me, Kit starts signing. It's slow and a little choppy like it's a new skill that hasn't been battle tested yet, but shit if that doesn't prove that they really meant it about me being with August.
“If beautiful lady wants you, welcome to family,”Kit tells him. When he sees the look on my face he gives me this saucy wink that has moisture begin to build between my legs, my body throbbing with acute need. I glare down at my sex as if to reprimand her for going soft so easy but she's not the only one that remembers what it felt like to be knotted and taken.
August seems surprised as well, shaking his head to make sure he's not seeing things. “Is this a joke, maybe? Are you mocking me?”
It is definitely a new skill, because the guys look to me for translation, but they are genuinely offended by August’s words. “No,”James signs. “R-e-a-l,” He spells out painstakingly slow.
“You’re leaning sign?”I ask, my heart galloping in my chest at the gesture. It’s so…sweet.And apparently, sweet is what gets me going.
“We figured you needed proof that we meant it when we told you we’re comfortable accepting him into our pack,” Kit says. He signs random words as he goes, using the few he's picked up already while I translate the rest for August.