Page 89 of Hidden
“Did you guys ever tell her how you met me?” Colter directs this question towards James, while he starts slowly unbuttoning his white dress shirt. He slips off his jacket and drapes it over my legs. I find that the delectable scent that is saturated into the fabric grounds me even more, clearing my head further.
“I did not. I mentioned that we took home your girlfriend, and that that was our introduction, but that’s all she knows. I thought that it was better left for you to tell.”
I’m puzzling through those words as I translate for August, waiting to hear the story.
Colter snorts. “OK omega, it’s story time. Once upon a time, there was this young alpha brat who had no idea what he was doing with his life.” Colter unbuttons his cufflinks now, so casually. The way he’s doing it is more reminiscent of him standing in the bedroom, not an alleyway. “This young alpha was angry at a lot of things in his life. Didn’t have a lot of people rooting for him. Nobody in his corner. He grew up in a trailer, with shitty parents that weren’t all too interested in being parents. He had almost no money, always doing what he needed to to get by.”
Colter skips through some songs on his phone, then hands it to me to hold. He’s now standing in the alleyway with just his undershirt, a simple white cotton t-shirt that clings to him. I have no idea where he’s going with any of this, but I can’t seem to look away.
“Now, this young alpha never asked for much, because his life experience taught him he’d never get it anyway. He didn’t think he wanted to be in a pack, so he got himself a girlfriend, a pretty beta with similar ambitions. They came from similar stations in life and used each other to function. It was almost medicinal, the way they interacted. An exchange.”
The music on his phone starts pumping bass notes, and even though the speakers are tiny, I find that the sound they create are incredibly engaging. August is now sitting next to me and James, one hand in mine, the other on the phone, feeling the vibrations of the music. His eyes are flashing between me and Colter, trying to follow the story while also trying to watch Colter’s face too. He begins to sway his hips a little bit, making me perk up more. I’m definitely listening now.
“The alpha and the beta had a thing. It wasn’t love; it was hardly even friendship. But she was still his. One of the only things in his life that he could actually say that about. He knew they’d go separate ways at some point, and even though they never said they were exclusive, this alpha still thought he'd get a discussion if his pretty beta girlfriend wanted someone else.”
Colter runs his hands up and down his chest, over his stomach. He cups lower, outlining much more fun things. James starts up a low purr behind me, and I find myself starting to get quite warm, even though we’re sitting outside. “One day, the young alpha gets a call from his girlfriend, asking him to pick her up. She gives him an address, and he goes. He had that day off of work, and just come from the gym. Did I mention that this young alpha was a dancer? Not the type to do ballet, mind you, but the time that gets on stage and removes his clothing for money. The kind of dancer that women threw panties at and approached for private dances.”
“He was a stripper sweetheart. Do you know what that is?”
I shake my head no to James’ question, even though I think I’m beginning to understand. I find that my mouth is dry, my eyes unable to look away from Colter.
He stops talking for a few minutes, focusing on his dancing. Watching him move is like watching him have sex; that brief look I got of him and James together is now superimposing itself on this moment. James is starting to grow hard under me, proving that he has similar desires for this beautiful man dancing for us as I do. All those muscles twisting in such a way almost doesn’t even make sense. Muscles like that are meant to lift things, not roll and bend.
August seems mildly uncomfortable, but maybe this is a good way to introduce him to their dynamic. Stuff like this is going to happen, so it’s better he sees it now, so he better knows what he’s getting into. Matching the beat of the music, Colter starts digging into the material covering his chest, using his nails to pull it. It doesn’t seem to take much for him to rend a hole in it; then he pulls it off his body in one smooth move. He tosses it at me, with perfect aim. I can smell his sweat in the material, which is stronger than his usual scent. More virile. It makes me tingle between my legs, which only intensifies as I watch his moves revealed on his bare skin.
“This alpha arrives at the address given, knocks on the door. Does his girlfriend answer? No. Who answers, James?”
“Naked Kit.”
“Bingo. I'm greeted by a naked Kit. I hear my girlfriend nearby, squealing. She runs to the door, pushing Kit out of the way. Or tries to. That dude is big. I get angry, which used to be my favorite emotion. Anger works for every situation. It’s almost always an appropriate response.”
“What did you do?” I’m recalling the explosive way these men have interacted before, the way they use their bodies to get each other to back off. They push and shove and punch. I can only imagine that Colter would have done all three of those things. If he thought that the girl and him were together, I’m sure he would have fought for her.
Colter laughs this deep, rich sound that travels straight down my spine. I feel a drop of sweat run down my forehead, past my temples and on to my collarbone. “Would you be at all surprised if I told you that I tried to hit him?”
I shake my head no.
Colter is taking off his belt now, unbuckling it in a lewd manner that has my hips shifting against James.
“I saytried, because the hit never landed. He caught my fist, then corrected my form. He said ‘there. Next time, try it like that’. I was so angry, but as my pretty beta girlfriend stood there, I realized I was angry at her. Because she wasn’t what I wanted. I couldn’t say she actually cheated on me, because I don’t think that was our relationship; but seeing her with someone else sure ended it quickly. I was angry that I wasted gas and time driving to their house to pick her up. That she actually thought I would pick her up when she was at another male’s house. A male that seemed to appreciate her even less than I did. Do you want to tell her what happened next?”
James’ voice is right in my ear, enriching the experience. “I had heard all the talking and went to investigate. I was fresh out of the shower, so I only had a towel around my hips. I didn’t see the girl standing there because we were already done with her. As crass as that sounds, she was only a placeholder. A pretty thing we picked up to play with for awhile. There was no other arrangement in place, and we didn’t mean to put one in. I did, however, see a beautiful, irate alpha standing in my doorway, looking at Kit. I got territorial. I had to show this other kid who Kit belonged to. So, I pushed Kit against the wall and kissed him, tossing the ugly red sweatshirt the beta female had left inside. I knew she was leaving, and I didn’t want that to stay behind. We didn’t need any trophies, any reminders.”
James’ fingers are hovering over my sex now, so I place a hand on his and encourage him to touch. It’s easy to feel the heat of his palm through the fabric of my dress, putting pressure onto the spot that seems to be redirecting a lot of blood flow from my body. It feels so damn good, especially with August's hungry eyes watching and Colter's flame filled ones as he continues to dance. Without his belt, his pants ride much lower on his hips, demonstrating his lack of undergarments.
“Sweetheart, I can smell that slick you're making for us. Are we making you needy?”
I make a miscellaneous sound of assent, my eyes hungry for Colter’s next move, by body coming alive one cell at a time.
“I'm going to keep dancing sweetheart, but only if you pull that dress up past your hips and show me what's mine. I want to watch my packmates touch you while I finish my story.”
I have to look around the alley, to be certain no one is around. I needn't have bothered. James makes sure I know that security is offline and we're totally alone.
If we're doing this here, then I don't want anyone left out.“You want to do the honors? Lift my dress up for me?”
August moves slowly, straddling James’ legs so he can reach me better. After placing kisses on my ankles, he runs the flat of his palms along the outsides of my legs, up my thighs, pulling the dress up with him. James helps hold my hips up so the material can bunch around my waist, then August uses his teeth to take off my ruined panties.
“There's my good omega.” Colter purrs with so much heat in his voice I’m expecting steam to follow.