Page 1 of Paper Coffins
“People are watching.”
Good, let them,my mind mocks, but outwardly, I don’t change.
My pace is steady, carrying me through the brick and mortar I’m about to own, and not one startled glance breaks my stride. Men part, making way for me, disbelief and shock hitting them in one fell swoop. As I approach the doorway, I’m yet to face any of my fears.
I was taught by the best to be the best. That teaching never bent and broke, no matter if I did. It was ingrained in me to stand tall, breathe fire at anyone who so much as challenged me, and crush anyone who dare pose a threat.
That teaching followed me for life, burrowed deep into the marrow of my bones, just as my father saw fit.
My name bites the air, a warning tone wrapping every syllable.
“You either have a part in this or you don’t. There is no in-between.” There’s a finality to my comment, but I haven’t gotten this far to just get this far.
“This was not part of the plan,” he says, lowering his tone to a whisper. “This was never part of the deal.”
“Deal?” I scoff, fixing him with an incredulous look. I laugh mockingly. “Oh, honey, this was never part of the deal because thisisthe deal.”
“Talia,” he starts again, his frown increasing.
“You keep saying my name like I’m going to listen, Andreas.”
Poor, unfortunate Andreas. In another life, this could have all been different, and God, wouldn’t we have rocked the underworld? But our paths didn’t cross for that type of mayhem.
We were destined for far more than that.
“This was my home. You think this place scares me?” I bite, narrowing my gaze. “He might be dead, but that’s what I’ve wanted for years. You should be more concerned that the only part I’m grieving is that I didn’t get to kill him myself.”
He breathes my token nickname like he’ll rein in my demons and closes his eyes as if it’ll soften my ire.
“This is fresh. Your dad-”
“Ruined my life,” I finish the sentence. “Him and a long line of other people,” I deadpan, unable to allow this argument to continue. “Now, I’m home.”
Where I belong, my soul breathes, but it does little to balm the damage.
“You don’t have to be here.” He purses his lips. “This can wait.”
“This can’t wait,” I scoff, laughing at his naivety. It’s cute. Really, it is. “You’ve so much to learn that I could never teach you outside of Hell.”
Andreas may well be from a background like mine, brought up in the shadows of an underworld only ruled by ruthless men and mobsters, but he remained undamaged. Somehow, he came away unscathed, while the rest of us settled into our purgatories like we were long lost friends.
But being back here,in the pit of hell I didn’t think I’d ever see again, was applying pressure, breaking sutures that long ago should have healed.
The blood I was sure to spill was all I had to keep me going.
“Hell?” he questions, a brow cocking with derision. “Y’know, it’s been four years and your dramatics are still the stupidest thing about you.”
I laugh, and I see that look falter. Andreas always thought he knew me. From the moment we met, he thought he had me all worked out, but the problem with a girl like me is I hate to make life easy.
His face drops the very moment realisation does.
“You’re not being dramatic, are you?”
“Are you sure you’re a Giannotti?” I muse, giving him an identical look of ridicule to mock him. “Because I’m pretty sure your daddy eats little girls like me for breakfast and uses their bones to pick his teeth.”