Page 124 of Paper Coffins
Unable to handlethe weight of truth, I bailed on her.
Like a fucking coward, I ran.
It’s not my finest moment, but I knew if I didn’t leave, I wouldn’t like the outcome. If it’s all true, Natalia doesn’t deserve that wrath.
I rush through the corridors, seeking solitude wherever I can find it, but nowhere seems safe enough anymore. Every room and crevice is tainted by the lies and secrets my father has forced into them.
So, I find myself standing in a darkened living room, quietly seething as my head rallies over everything I’ve learned tonight.
Natalia’s account of events is enough to make the bile churning in my stomach find its way upwards, and I fight against the acid by pressing the back of my hand to my mouth.
My name sounds from behind me, but it’s muffled, like I’m underwater and they’re too far away to pull me to the surface.
It’s the hand on my shoulder that proves otherwise, and all of a sudden, Sebastian’s in front of me, eyebrows drawn in concern.
“Beck? Fuck, what’s happened?”
I can’t steady my hands; my rage pulsates through me, and I struggle to contain it. It’s taking all of my nerves to not swing a punch at Sebastian as he reaches for me. I just need an outlet, and everyone’s a target.
“Okay, I can see you’re angry.” He takes a step back, but he doesn’t even know the extent of my anger. “What the fuck happened?”
“He raped her.”
The words—ones moments ago I didn’t want to believe—fall so naturally from my lips.
“He fucking raped her, Seb.”
I can’t deal with the weight of the truth as it settles upon my shoulders. Everything I knew, every reason I gave myself just imploded into shards of nothingness. Years governed by hatred and resentment have paled, leaving the wreckage of wasteful years and lost moments.
“Who did?”
The same emotions I went through present on Sebastian’s face.
“My father.”
I raise my eyes to meet his as the distasteful words leave my mouth and inflict pain on him. He’s trying to process it all.
“What? Last night?”
“No.” I shake my head. “He tried again yesterday, but seven years ago… he raped her then.”
“You mean…”
“It was all a fucking lie. Everything he told me. Everything he told her. It was all a fucking lie.”
I’ve dealt with liars in my time. They’re both part and parcel of our job. Liars thrive in our territory. How else do you survive best in this industry? However, when you have allies, you trust them implicitly. More so when there’s blood involved.
Allies and liars don’t come into the same category.
And when they do?
You make sure they never see the light of day again.
“This changes absolutely everything.” He tosses his hands to his head, exhaling heavily as he walks back and forth in front of me. “Fuuuuck.”
“I need a fucking drink,” I mutter and cross the room with heavy steps, taking a crystal tumbler and pouring a large glass of scotch. I drain it, slamming the glass down to pour a second. “How do I believe her? How do I not believe him?”