Page 130 of Paper Coffins
Rollingthe sleeves of my shirt up, I cross the gravelled ground and approach a few of my men. I made one call, and within thirty minutes, they were in place and waiting for me.
“Thanks, lads.” I give them a nod that tells them to scatter. “We won’t be long.”
As they disperse, they leave one lone figure behind. He’s far larger than the majority of them, and I reckon with one perfectly landed punch, he could have the upper hand. Apparently, he’s chosen not to use violence.
“Good to see you’ve healed.”
“Permanent holiday will do that to a guy.”
He issues a wry smirk, but his eyes regard me with so much disdain any other man would have signed their death sentence.
I laugh and rub my jaw. “Ah, well, see, a permanent holiday in my books would actually mean I’d have you six feet under. We’ll call this a sabbatical.”
“But with prison bars.”
“C’mon, it wasn’tthatbad.”
He looks more disgruntled than ever, but he reads the room well for someone who looks as thick as two planks. I guess that’s part of his charm—fool anyone who takes him at face value.
“I’m guessing you’ve not dragged me out for a bit of chit chat, so what am I doing here?”
Automatically, his back straightens, and it’s almost like he’s standing to attention.
“At ease, soldier. She’s not here.” I’m mocking, but it’s admirable to see. “I take it you’re still in allegiance with her.”
“The position I’m in wasn’t up to me. Where is she?”
“Nah-uh. We’ll get to that soon.”
I can tell patience isn’t his strong suit, but can I blame him?
“You’re about to get a second chance. You’re going to take a contract with me, and by default, with Natalia.”
The arch of his eyebrow increases. “And I’m meant to just go with you?”
“I don’t think you have much of a say in the matter.” I shove my hands in my pockets, remaining cool against the situation. “Look, I can make it easy, or I can make it difficult. To be honest, I’d rather settle for the former than the latter, but ultimately, the choice is yours.”
“I want to know one thing.”
“Name it.”
It’s an easy bargain to make, especially when we have no strings attached right now.
“Is she in charge?” He sniggers when he sees the shock push through my mask. “I know all about you, Beckett Knight. I know what you took from her, and I know exactly what sort of problem you are.” He takes a step forward, trying to make me fear him.
“Back it up, big boy. Things have changed. I’m not here to make friends. I’m not even here to make acquaintances… unless you prove you’re the asset she seems to think you are.” He relaxes, but I don’t. I’m not about to lose my edge with him. “Right now, I have my own men looking after her, but she wants you.”
He laughs again, but this time it’s looser, friendlier. “And what Natalia wants, Natalia gets.”
“Ah, so you’re well versed in that, I see.”
“Hard not to be.”
“That’s true,” I reply, commiserating the fact. “She wants you. She gets you. You’ll get the rest of the details when she’s with us.”
He ponders it for a moment, remaining completely unreadable, which irks me just a fucking bit because I want to get back to the palace and get this ball rolling.