Page 146 of Paper Coffins
“We’ll see about that.”
I guess we will, and if that’s the case, I need to get out what needs to be said. Pulling him close, my hands grip at his crisp white shirt as I fight to stay strong in this moment.
“I hope you get a taste of heaven o-one day. Just so th-the devil has extra to torture you with.”
Although my words are quiet and struggled, the conviction is hard to miss, and I see him quake under the idea of it.
“Trust me, baby girl, I’m living in heaven right now, and I’m not about to check out.”
With one last pull, he plunges the knife again and pushes me away in one swift motion. I can’t stop myself from falling, my body crumpling only a few feet away from Sebastian’s, and I stare at the ceiling of my parents’ room, the moonlight reflecting from the expensive chandelier. The light dances gently, luring me into a sense of calm, and while I know I should find Beckett, the ease that’s overcoming me is one I’ve never before been granted in life. It’s only disrupted when Alistair comes to tower over me. His hands rest on either side of me, the blade clattering against the dark wooden floor. He doesn’t care for the blood that flows from me like ribbons, pouring out from the multiple stab wounds he put in me.
“Even if Beckett gets here now, there’s no saving you, so I guess I win.”
I blink slowly at him, grateful for the fact I know that Alistair won’t make it out of this alive.
“You never should have come back.”
But I did.
“You never should have loved my son.”
But I did.
“And you never should have believed you had it in you to run The Company.”
But I do.
My hand involuntarily twitches, and I feel the handle of the knife against my knuckle. Alistair is too entranced with me right now, goading me with bittersweet nothings as if I’ll go to the grave any worse off.
He took my life and twisted it up until even I didn’t recognise it, and it’s only fair I get a piece of my revenge.
Finding the energy, I take the knife and plunge it into his side, using what’s left of my adrenaline before it depletes completely. He stands in shock, swearing as he does so, frantic hands going to the wound inflicted on his side, and my eyes start to drop in tiredness and my lips start to smile.
Maybe if I close my eyes, I’ll see my darling boy and our baby.