Page 76 of Paper Coffins
I ache.
In a way I haven’t for years.
It’s bone-deep, and the throb it brings with it does little to settle me.
Ever since the moment she fell into me in that bar, Natalia has been on my mind. Over the years, I spent time controlling my thoughts, and the space made it easier to try and forget about her. Now, however, with her here—under this roof and under my skin—I can do little to deter my wandering thoughts.
Cassie always thought I would get over Natalia and then get on her in the way she expected, but I always shamelessly fucked her and told her that was all she was. Cassandra Clark was and always will be the rebound. It’s not my fault if she can’t understand that.
Natalia is an affliction I will never be free of.
“I think you should go and talk to her.”
I glance up as Sebastian throws himself down on the sofa opposite me. The idea of talking to Cassie makes my lip curl in disgust.
“Who? Cassie?”
“No, you dick. Natalia.”
My disgust melts into a frown. “Why?”
“I don’t know. Something isn’t sitting right with me where she’s concerned.”
“That almost sounds like you care.” I scratch my jaw thoughtfully. “She doesn’t care about anything but seeing me dead… or worse yet, beneath her.”
“Yeah, last time that happened she put a knife to your throat,” Sebastian quips, shooting me a sarcastic look, only to laugh when I growl. “But no. It’s something more than that.”
“Maybe Cassie rattled her cage. They never saw eye to eye.”
“No, it’s not that.” Sebastian almost winces with thoughtfulness over the matter before he grows serious. “Have you actually talked to her about what happened?”
“I don’t need to. Enough people said about it.”
I cross my arms over my chest, possibly out of petulance, and definitely out of closing this conversation down.
“But you never heard it from her…”
I snigger. “And she’s suddenly a beacon of honesty.”
“Beckett.” He sighs. “Just go and talk to her.”
“What’s the point?”
Chitchat was never my forte with anyone but Sebastian and Natalia, and when she left, I only reserved that right for the former.
“Just go.”
He’s clearly not going to let this go, and there’s no one else in this building I would take a direct order from other than Sebastian. If he’s telling me to do something, there’s a good reason.
“Fine.” I sigh and drag myself begrudgingly from the sofa. “But tomorrow, we’re going to have a little fun.”
“With what?”
“Well, if Natalia wants to kill my banker, she can have a job.”
“Beckett,” he starts, sitting up straighter. “You can’t.”
“I told her she’ll do whatever I say. I can’t think of anyone better to get our money than Natalia. It’ll also serve as a reminder of what she’s missing out on.”