Page 19 of Crazy on Daisy
Ty’s amused eyes flickered over her. “Word is you and Hank got hot and heavy out behind Hymie’s last week.”
Daisy felt her face flush. Annoyed, she slipped a bridle up over Alias’ head, letting the curb bit rest in her mouth. She tried to throw him off. “Geez, Ty, people lie all the time. Hank was probably with Janie Dupree.”
“Ah, my sources are pretty reliable,” Ty chuckled, clearly enjoying himself. Sometimes he was more like a big brother than a boss. When he stooped so low, she felt obligated to give him his due.
“Maybe you should go find your own action and stop worrying about everyone else’s,” Daisy tossed back. “When was the last time you were with anyone, steady?”
Ty had only had one girlfriend since college, and it had been short and volatile, ending in spectacular failure. But instead of shutting up, he kept on teasing. “It’s been awhile. Maybe I should ask Daphne out, huh?”
“Sure,” Daisy countered, straight-faced. “You’d be better for her than that dorky lawyer cousin of yours from Austin. He’s down here mooning over her every chance he gets.”
“Shoot, Rodric’s alright.” Ty made a face. “I was in the fifth grade when Daphne started kindergarten. You wouldn’t mind me hanging all over her?”
“Not a bit,” Daisy dead-panned, happy she’d distracted him.
“Daph’s a smart girl, I don’t think she’d have me,” he joked. “Listen, Daize, Pop is over in Three Rivers. The part for that combine I broke last week just came into the dealership. You mind running over to Beeville for it when you’re done riding Alias?”
“Not at all,” Daisy said easily, taking the reins in her hands and leading the mare down the barn aisle.
“Good. You’ll pass Hank’s ranch on the way out. Don’t get sidetracked, hear?” Ty called after her.
Rolling her eyes, Daisy shook her head. Ty’s full belly laugh followed her and the mare out into the warm sunshine.
Cherries Garcia
On Thursday, Hank left a message that he might show up at Hymie’s. Daisy panicked; she didn’t want any more local gossip, or to risk a scene with Janie. “Let’s hold off ‘til tomorrow, k?” she texted back.
He showed up early on Friday. By the time she was out of house, he’d shouldered her bags and was packing them in the cab. When she got close, he turned on her with a big smile, grabbing her waist and kissing her hello. It was a nice kiss, sweet and solid, and her face flushed. She didn’t know what to say to him or how to begin this new way they were together.
When she led Gypsy from her stall, Hank was stringing her hay bag, all helpful and conscientious. Hank’s daddy sure is a big jerk, but Hank’s just about as sweet as they come. How’d he manage to get his daddy’s work ethic and head for business, and his momma’s temperament?
While he latched the back ramp, she climbed into the passenger seat and tried to collect her thoughts, grateful for quiet peace and cool air blowing through the vents.
Hank climbed in, all heat and muscle, and she couldn’t help it; the feelings she had for him flowed through her in waves. No matter how nervous I am about having Hank for a boyfriend, I’m going to sleep with him again, I just know it.
A smile played across his lips as he put the engine in gear and started up the driveway. Reaching down, he picked a small brown paper bag from the floor and set it on her lap. “Gotcha a treat.” She peeked in; the bag held two Ben & Jerry’s Chocolate Cherries Garcia popsicle boxes.
Smiling, she stripped the wrapper off one, cracking its thick dark chocolate. After a mouthful of rich, creamy cherry ice-cream, she dangled it in front of Hank’s lips, eyes flirty.
He took a bite then kissed her cheek. Voice husky, he said, “Better than last time. Sweeter, too, huh, Daize?”
She nodded shyly. They ate the bars one at a time, trading bites. When he pulled the truck into Gallagher Ranch, she was licking chocolate from the second wooden stick. He put the engine into park just outside the horse barn.
Laughing, she pressed the stick to his denim thigh. He clasped her hand and pulled it to his lips, planting kisses on the inside of her wrist, then all the way up her arm.Her pulse shot straight to her heart, and her insides puddled. “I guess I started this time, huh?” she whispered, putting a hand to each side of rough cheeks.
Kissing him square on the lips, she moved down to his neck. Hungry-eyed, he groaned and flipped the console up, lunging for her. “I’ve waited all week for this, Daisy Mae,” he whispered, elbows on either side of her ears. Taking it slow, he kissed her so sweet and tender she melted. Ten minutes later, it was so hot between them she had to keep her knees pressed together. Hank’s big hands were on the skin of her belly under her t-shirt, and they were both breathless. “Keep this up, and we won’t make it outta here, Hank Gallagher,” she murmured, face buried under his jaw, lips pressed to his neck.
He pushed up on an elbow. “That’s okay. You want to stay here? We can load the horses early tomorrow morning, y’know. I woulda told you what we could do up in my bedroom if you’da returned a phone call, Daisy Mae.”
Daisy giggled, “Well, that’s probably why I didn’t you call back!” Taking a last full inhale of piney, salt-sweaty Hank smell, she put her hands to his chest and pushed, conscious of how small they were against all that muscle and brawn. “C’mon, go get Cuervo and load him up—we’ve got a rodeo to get to.”
Grinning, Hank sat up, ran his hands through his hair and looked her way. Eyes mischievous, he said, “We played in your bedroom last week—we haven’t played in mine for years. I miss it, don’t you?”
Daisy rolled her eyes. “I’ve got an end of season belt buckle to win, and you’re pretty high in the points, too, buddy. We said we wouldn’t let this thing between us mess our season up, remember?”