Page 19 of Coached In Love
Ilead Paris down the hill, my class following behind me. I do one Saturday morning class a month with special needs kids. It’s easier for them to be here without the distraction of other riders and without the stables being open to the public. We saddle up the horses with handicap saddles, and the kids love going out into the fields for a slow ride.
As for me, I need this today. Being here with these kids takes my mind off what happened between Logan and me last night. Helps me forget that I woke up to an empty bed this morning. Makes it so I don’t obsess over the note he left me. Helps me not to stress over the fact that he fucked me without a condom.
Waking up to an empty bed is typically my preference. No awkward morning-after conversation. No breakfast invitation. No false promises for meeting up later.
I don’t fuck without protection, though. Even though I am on the pill. I also don’t wake up to sweet notes about a memorable night that he can’t wait to repeat. I don’t breathe in his scent on my pillow. I sure as hell don’t wish he were still there.
When I put that T-shirt on last night ? and only that T-shirt ? my intention had been to fuck Logan Decker out of my system. To make it rough and dirty and have him gone before the ache between my legs abated.
But he didn’t allow that to happen. No. He took control and turned my quick fuck into a slow grind. Does it count as a repeat if the second and third round occurred in the same night?
I think I was better off when he thought my name was Candy. Or rather, I was better off when he was playing in the NFL and far away from Coree Harbor. Why did he come back to North Carolina again? Oh yeah. A career-ending injury. Funny how life works that way.
“Okay, we are going to head back and give these babies some treats. You kids can have some, too. I bet Ms. Wynona left you some goodies at the office,” I say, and the kids get excited.
They follow my lead, their parents walking beside them to assist, and it doesn’t take us very long to make it back to the office. I smile at the kids as I dismount, trying to pretend that my heart doesn’t flutter when I see Logan’s truck turning in.
“I’ll be right back with those treats. Parents, if you don’t mind, go ahead and help the kids dismount.”
I go unlock the office and grab a bag of carrots for the horses and then the container of cupcakes I knew Nona left for the kids. When I emerge, Logan is getting out of his truck with Campbell, Quinton, and Liam exiting as well.
“Who wants cupcakes?” I ask, and I’m bombarded by excited children. I hold the container above my head with one hand and the bag of carrots out with the other. “Horses first. Let’s reward them for being so good, and then we all get cupcakes!”
I dispense carrots for everyone, and Quinton and Liam come help me give the cupcakes out, taking one for themselves and offering Campbell one, too.
“Do I get one of those?” Logan asks.
I hand him one but notice how he keeps a bit of distance between us. I figure it’s because his son is here, so he doesn’t want me to fling myself at him like I did last night. Not like I would do that anyway. The sun is up. Time to get back to reality, and my reality does not include relationships. It was clear in the way Logan behaved with me that a relationship is what he has in mind. Never going to happen.
“Taking the boys home?” I question.
“Yep. And they decided they want lunch at Phoebe’s, so they thought you might be hungry.”
I laugh. “I highly doubt three teenage boys were concerned about feeding me over feeding themselves.”
He smiles, and my breath falters. My stomach flip-flops. My heart races. Damn him.
“Fine. I thought you might be hungry.”
I can’t help that my gaze drifts over his entire body before I manage to answer him.
“Sure, I’m hungry.”