Page 34 of Coached In Love
Iwant to chase after Sailor, assure her there’s nothing to figure out with Jolene, but I know that isn’t true. If Jolene didn’t sign the papers, it would explain why I haven’t received an official divorce certificate. I just thought it got lost in the mail when we moved.
“I’m glad you let her go, Logan,” Jo says. “She was trying to destroy our family. Now, let’s go get Campbell and celebrate your win.”
“Are you delusional?”
“Excuse me?”
“You have to be delusional if you believe Sailor is the one who destroyed our family,” I say. “You did that all on your own, Jo. Now, you think just because you came to Coree Harbor that I’ll forget all the awful things you did and take you back?”
“We can’t give up on us,” she argues. “Not when Campbell needs me!”
We’re attracting a crowd, so I take Jolene by the arm and lead her to my truck where Campbell is waiting. He opens the door for her, and she gets in. At least this way, we aren’t in the vicinity of nosy people who could sell a story to the tabloids.
Jolene and Campbell chat on the way home, catching up on missed time, but I drive in silence. I need to call my attorney and find out what the hell happened.
“Looks like we’re celebrating at home,” Jolene says as we pull up to the house. “I’ll have to get my things from the hotel, but I can do that tomorrow.”
“Are you staying, Mom?” Campbell asks as I open the door, his voice hopeful.
“Not with us,” I answer. “We have some things to discuss, Campbell. Go on up to your room.”
He does as he’s told, giving Jo a quick hug before he departs. I wait until he’s closed his door before I start the conversation with her.
“You didn’t finish your treatment.” I don’t pose it as a question. I know she has three more months, if not longer.
“I am better, Logan. I just want my family to see that.”
“So, leaving the program early is supposed to show us that you’re better?”
“My son needed me!” she argues.
“No, he doesn’t! He needed you all those times when I was away and couldn’t be there! That’s when he needed you!”
“Is that what this is about? Me cheating on you?”
I heave out an exasperated sigh. “No, it’s about our son.”
“Because let’s not cast stones, Logan,” she says, narrowing her eyes. “If I hadn’t been pregnant with Campbell, we both know you would’ve dumped me for that trash you were cheating with.”
“How did you ?”
“How did I know? I saw you with her! That’s how I know!” she yells. “So, you want to be angry with me, but I have every right to be angry with you! Our whole marriage was a joke!”
“Which is why it needs to be over.”
I hold back any anger I have toward her. This doesn’t have to be a screaming match, and I’m not doing that with her. It simply needs to be over, and I thought it already was.
“And what if I don’t want it to be over?” she asks, tears filling her eyes.
“You don’t want this any more than I do, and we both know that. Go back and finish your treatment, and we will work out a visitation schedule for you and Campbell. You aren’t losing your son, Jo.”
“Promise me that,” she says, her voice a whisper.
“I promise you. But he needs more than what you’ve been giving. He deserves more.”
She nods, wiping away tears. “I’ll do better. And I’ll sign the papers.”