Page 106 of Blakely and Liam
The cousins
I was openin’ up the pub for the night, and turned on the new television on the wall, put it on ESPN+ for a soccer game, while Blakely turned on music, choosing a Mumford and Sons playlist. Blakely and I had ordered the TV and sound system from Amazon as we crossed the US, and I had teased her about it, but it had been a good idea when it had arrived that morning.
I had brought it over and installed it and now our third day in the pub we had proper music. A game playin’ on the wall. We had pushed the jukebox into the back corner, until I could fix it tae play better music.
Blakely and I looked out at the pub. She said, “Third day, we added a TV and music, it already feels better. Still a lot to do...”
We heard motorcycles pull up outside.
Then the door opened and four men walked in, a black man who had the look of a military man, a guy that could best be described as a typical American, and two really big men, one with a beard.
I said, “Sorry we arna open yet, come back in an—”
The big man without a beard, said, “We arna here for the pub, we are here tae speak with the owner, Liam Campbell.”
He had a thick Scottish accent.
“Who’s askin’?”
His brow drew down.
The black man said, “I’m Quentin Peters, this is Magnus Campbell, Fraoch MacLeod, and James Cook, we’re from, um, Florida — passing through.”
I squinted my eyes. “And what business do ye hae with Liam Campbell?”
Quentin Peters looked at the man named James and said, “This is not how this was meant to go, we’re two minutes in and it sounds like we’re the feds.”
The man named James explained, “Look, we’re friends, coming with an opportunity—”
“But I hae never met ye afore? How can we be friends?”
The man named Magnus grinned. “So ye’re Liam?” He reached out a hand and shook mine. “Pleasure tae meet ye, och aye, tis good tae meet ye, the resemblance is...”
The man named Fraoch clapped him on the shoulder. “Tis uncanny inna it, Og Maggy?”
Magnus nodded.
The man named Quentin reintroduced themselves, “I’m Quentin, this is um... Magnus, Fraoch, James.”
“I ken, ye said everyone’s names a’ready, what do ye want?”
The men all smiled at me, Magnus lookin’ almost misty-eyed.
James joked, “Well, that’s him, totally related to Sean. You can see it in the expressions and the surly demeanor.”
I narrowed my eyes. “Sean, who?”
Magnus said, “Och nae, we are bein' rude. Can we sit? Hae a drink with ye? We hae somethin’ tae discuss.”
Blakely came around the bar, introduced herself, and shook their hands. “Of course, have a seat, Liam will get you something to drink.”
I drew some beers and a soda for Quentin. “Ye say ye’re from Florida, but some hae Scottish accents.”
Fraoch said, “Aye, Magnus and I come from Scotland.”
“Where about?”