Page 11 of Blakely and Liam
“Because he’s a cheat, and I caught him.”
Naisha said, “Now, girl, this is getting interesting. When did you catch him? How?”
“I don’t know what time it is, but... yesterday? I saw a text from her.”
Naisha’s eyes went wide.
I asked, “So why ye here, thousands of miles from... wait, how far away are we from LA? I daena hae m’US geography set yet.”
“It is a million miles away, and I came because we were going to hike the trail together and... I’m not letting him ruin my trip.”
“Ye’re plannin’ tae hike the trail?” I chuckled. “Are ye planning tae do it in those boots?”
She looked down. “These are excellent boots! They’re designer!”
I asked Naisha, “Can ye close up? Is Nelson on his way?”
She looked at her watch. “Yeah, he just got off work, headed here to pick me up.”
“All right, see ye tomorrow.” I gestured with my head. “All right, Woodshee, follow me.” I led her through the dingy hallway and out tae the parking lot, illuminated by one sad bulb hanging over the back door. Weeds were shootin’ up through the cracks in the cement. My trash dumpster smelled like week-old tuna.
I glanced at her face tae see she was grimacing.
“The fine gardens of the Trailhead Motel. As ye can see, the gardener has gone for seediness.”
She joked, “You sir, do not have a gardener.”
I laughed.
I led her through the weed covered lot between the pub and the motel. “Careful, there’s rubbish, daena trip,” and across another empty parking lot tae the door of the motel office. I stuck my key in the lock. She was looking up and down at the rows of room doors.
“You manage this?”
“Aye, sort of, I own it.” We stepped inside.
“It’s empty?”
“Aye.” I went behind the desk, opened the closet, and put a stack of sheets in her arms. “Do ye want towels?”
Her eyes went wide. “Yes? Wait — I’m making my own bed?”
I brushed dust off a towel, then lifted it tae take the two under it. “Let’s see, ye daena hae any money, I daena hae any employees, and tis past midnight. I already had a long day, so aye, ye can make yer own bed.”
“I didn’t realize it was so late, I’m on LA time.”
I led her down the row of doors tae the middle room and turned on the light: the rug was threadbare; the mattresses devoid of sheets. I went through tae the pisser and turned on the light to look around, checked behind the shower curtain, then dropped tae my stomach tae look under the bed.
She stood stock still. “Whatcha looking for?”
“Animals.” I grinned. “All clear though.”
She gulped. “What kind of animals?”
“Wee ones, nae the big ones like on the trail, but nae worries, none in this room.”
She looked all around with her eyes wide.