Page 20 of Blakely and Liam
A good plan
The final tally was $1375 and Blakely paid it without batting an eye. Then it took both of us tae carry it all out tae the back of the truck. She dusted her hands and said, “There! I’m ready!”
I went through Bubba’s Drive-thru. The voice squawked from the rusted speaker surrounded by weeds. “What can I get for you, Liam, your usual?”
“Aye, the Messo’meat special with extra bacon, fries, and a large Coke...” I asked Blakely, “What do you want for lunch?”
“Um...” She scrutinized the menu then whispered, “Do they have an Impossible burger?”
“What is impossible about it?”
“It’s entirely plant based.”
“Nae, they daena even hae veggies, ye hae tae pay extra for a slice of lettuce because they want ye tae ken this inna California.”
The voice said, “Don’t listen to Liam, we have lettuce, but sorry, we don’t have Impossible burgers.”
“Are ye vegan?” I asked.
“Not every day, I try to be vegan on—”
“How far are ye hikin’ tomorrow?”
“Ten miles, I want to start slow.”
“Yer gonna need the protein.” I ordered a Mess o’meat for her too. Then I drove us back to the motel and dropped her off in front of her room.
“Here’s the key to the office if ye need anything, I will be gone tae the pub for a couple of hours.”
“I’m in charge of the motel now?”
“Aye, make sure ye give clean towels tae the lady in room 5, she’s from LA and ye should hae seen her attitude when I told her she had tae make her own bed.”
“Ha! I met her, she was bitching about the raccoons too. Some people are impossible to please.”
I climbed back in the truck.
She said, “Liam, are you driving to the pub? I can see it from here.”
“Och, I told ye I daena like tae hike.”
She sipped some of her soda, then smiled wide, lookin’ verra bonny on the sidewalk in front of my motel. “Okay, well thank you, Liam, I’m going to pack and I’ll try to get the code so I can get into the cabin I rented. First thing tomorrow, I’m off.”
“Ye’re still going?”
“You keep asking me that! Of course I’m still going. Look at the sky Liam, it’s a perfect day, great weather, a good plan. I always do everything I set out to do.”