Page 53 of Blakely and Liam
If I need any advice on rugby or lawns
He led me out the back door to his truck and opened the door for me without saying a word.
We drove down the road to my cabin, then he pulled the truck up the gravel drive, turned off the engine, and dropped his hands down to the seat beside him.
“I am sorry, Blakely.”
I said, “What are you sorry about Liam? Your, you know, your sister came to visit, that’s great, and she brought Em, your girlfriend from home, and now you aren’t alone anymore and I’m really really happy for you.” I tried to pull on the door handle and made it go ca-chunk on its bent hinges.
He said, “Och!” and rushed around the truck to open the door for me. Then as I stalked up to the door, he followed me, saying, “She inna my girlfriend, I mean... I just wanted ye tae—”
I spun around squinting. “It’s none of my business, Liam, but she believes she is 100% your girlfriend.”
He gave me a sad smile. “Tis complicated.”
“I know.” I sighed. “And I don’t know why I’m even mentioning it, it’s nothing to me, none of my business, I’m married.”
He nodded and leaned against the porch railing. “I ken.”
He didn’t look about to leave so I leaned against the railing across from him. “Thank you for everything Liam... I’m going to head back to California tomorrow if I can get a flight.”
“Aye, I...” He stopped talking, but had an expression of someone who needed to talk.
I said, “It’s complicated, huh? What do you mean?”
“She broke m’heart.”
“What did she do?”
“She left me when my rugby career fell apart because I dinna hae big enough plans. She hated that my new job involved a lawnmower.”
I teased, “Well, that is outrageous. Did you explain to her that whole thing about the poor students lost in the long grass?”
He chuckled. “She dinna agree on the importance of it, so she left me. I was beggin’ her tae take me back when m’dear ol dad’s demise interrupted my groveling.” He gave me a slow self-deprecating smile.
“It’s very hard to imagine you groveling.”
He said, “It inna pretty. I try tae keep it from happenin’.”
I said, “So you’ve been begging her to come back to you, and now she’s here? I don’t think it’s complicated at all.”
“Aye.” He looked at me from the side. “I suppose it inna.”
“Yeah, so I just want you to know how grateful I am. And...” I straightened myself. “So, this is all for the best, that... earlier, eating together, it was... really great, but you know, this is all complicated, and I mean, we’re friends right? So that’s a good thing, and so... yeah, Em is here, you got your wish.”
“Aye, I got m’wish.” He added, “Ye ken ye do that when ye are upset?”
“Do what?”
“Ye say ‘so’ a great deal, as if ye are talkin’ yerself intae feeling a’right with it.”
“I do that?”
“Well see, there’s that thing you do, you talk to me like you know me even though we only just...” I pushed away from the rail, rushed across the porch, and pressed myself against his chest.