Page 80 of Blakely and Liam
Where am I allowed tae kiss ye?
A half-block into our walk, I was hobbled by pain from these gorgeous and uncomfortable shoes. I stopped and wailed, “My toes!”
“What do ye mean? Ye hae walked this far afore with a pack the size of a car on yer back”
“But these shoes are not for walking. It hurts!”
He said, “Aye, the shoes look verra painful and I would tease ye for wearin’ them, but Woodshee, yer arse is a verra fine thing when ye wear them, and yer... och, it’s a sight tae see, so I canna wish ye out of them. I really like them on ye — I am torn.”
I giggled. “How much farther?”
“Two blocks.”
I pretended to drag myself along.
He said, “I hae two ideas, one, there is a store here, I think ye might need some chocolate for sustenance. Or I will carry ye the rest of the way.”
I said, “Both please,” and grinned.
* * *
That’s how, a few minutes later, I was clutching a bag with a Tony’s chocolate bar, and a couple of beers inside. And Liam was wearing a trucker hat that said ‘I love LA’ on his head. I hitched up my skirt, he leaned down, and I climbed on his back. He carried me piggyback the last couple of blocks.
I said, “This is my favorite thing ever.”
He chuckled. “Ye like bein’ carried tae the hotel in yer princess dress? Ye are a far cry from the girl who was walking the trail a few months ago.”
I said, “That’s because I’m a dichotomy. It’s what makes me interesting.”
He stopped and looked down, turning to read the stars that lined Hollywood Boulevard. “These are for the famous actors?”
“Yep, isn’t it magical? And over there is a prostitute in that doorway and all around here is a homeless encampment, and don’t let this guy hand you that CD. Don’t even make eye contact through here, or...” He walked faster. “There. The hotel is right there.”
“Finally, this was the longest walk I ever went on and m’pack is heavy.”
He carried me through the front doors across the lobby, laughing, and then to the elevator, riding it up to the seventh floor, my ass resting on the rail, then he carried me down the hallway to his room.
I slid off his back to my own two feet and it hit me — I was nervous about spending the night with him. Really nervous.
He let me in the door and I dropped my bag on the table, my hands shaking as I emptied it of our treats. I had been married for a long time, and this was... so new. This had also been going on for a long time. It was both new and old, our relationship was a dichotomy too. I looked over at the bed — we had been falling in love with each other without consummating it. There was a lot of pressure on this right here.
He said, following my eyes to the bed. “Ye are nervous?”
“So nervous. This is really daunting. I’ve never liked someone this much and just kissed them for the first time and now...we’re in your hotel room and....”
“Aye, I feel it too, I like ye a great deal, Woodshee, but maybe we daena hae tae worry on it too much, I do verra much like kissin’ ye. It inna hard tae do now that it is done. And I would like tae kiss ye more. And maybe we could just kiss each other and—”
“You would be content, Liam, to just kiss me?”
He jokingly sighed. “I daena think content is the correct word, I would be verra discontented by the prospect, I might cry.” He grinned. “But if kissin’ is all we get, it will hae tae do.”
I nodded, still staring at the bed. “Okay, sounds good, that’s a lot of pressure off, no sex.” I joked, “Just Liam crying while we kiss, that sounds perfect.”
I popped the top off a beer and tore off the end of the chocolate bar. I took a bite and moaned happily. “Now I’m going to do something, Liam, and I don’t want to upset you too much.”
“What is it?”