Page 90 of Blakely and Liam
We are a fine mess
She gave me a tour of the house, and then outside, the pool, and showed me how tae open and close the screens. Then she joked, “Since you’re a proper sexist, I’ll make you a sandwich for lunch.”
I said, “I will do laundry then.”
She said, “Awesome, now you’re fully redeemed in the sexism department, but I will still make you a sandwich.”
I padded down the hall tae the bedroom, picked up the hamper, carried it down tae the laundry room, filled the washin’ machine, and pushed the power button. I returned tae the kitchen saying, “The whole process is much better when I daena hae tae put a coin intae it.”
She said, “I bet.”
We took the sandwiches and a couple of beers out tae the porch and clinked the bottles together and ate a few bites.
She said, “So is it still weighing on your mind?”
“What, the size of yer house? Yer amassed wealth? Aye, it is a bit. I am nae sure how it will look tae the outer world.”
She said, “The outer world? How can Liam Campbell be worried about the outer world?”
I said, “Ye ken what I mean.”
“I do.” She sighed. “What if we signed a pre-nup?”
“That would be a good start. I want ye tae ken, I dinna hook up with ye because I thought ye were wealthy.”
“I would never believe it of you. It is far more likely that you thought my wealth was an impediment to my being a good ‘hook up’.”
“True. I thought tae m’self that it was goin’ tae be yer station-in-life and a lack of commonsense that was goin’ tae kill ye on the trail.”
She grinned. “Now you know that I have a fighting spirit—”
“Wrapped with only a wee bit of delusion.”
She laughed, “Imagine, Liam, what I can accomplish with wealth and my wee bit of delusion? There is no stopping me.”
“So what do ye want tae do, Woodshee?”
“In this next stage of my game, after the divorce is settled?”
“Aye, what is Blakely goin’ tae do next?”
“I don’t know — what are you going to do? I mean, after the hotel is sold, and the pub?”
“I’m no’ sure.”
“Well, we are a fine mess. And we are a we now, we have to think like a we. Are you moving here, ya gonna live in LA? Because I want you to live in LA, while I—”
“Start a new agency?”
“Nah… I thought that was my plan, but really in retrospect, I mean… I am very good at it, but… I am good at lots of things. And honestly, I was good at half of running an agency, my ex was good at the other. I don’t know if I would be that great at it alone, or at least not competitively good. And what would that look like? It’s hard to imagine running an agency that is in competition with my ex. I would want to win. He would want to win. We would be locked in competition, you know?”
“Aye, ye would be in orbit around each other. Ye would hae tae think on him more than ye would like.”
“Yeah, so let’s not make any decisions about it right now. I’ll just occasionally throw out ideas and you say yes or no — actor?”
I said, “Nae, I would be terrible. Teacher?”