Page 94 of Blakely and Liam
There was a ruckus from outside and a buzzin’ sound.
Blakely looked at her phone screen. “Fuck, fuck, fuck...”
I was jarred out of a deep sleep. “What is it?”
She pulled a shirt over her head, and was pulling on pajama pants. “Darren is outside, he’s...” She turned her screen to show me a man at a front door, yelling, tryin’ tae get in.
It was difficult tae understand what was I was lookin’ at, groggy from sleep. I dinna hae video of people on my phone from the front door, but his yellin’ woke me fully—
“Blakely, let me the fuck in!”
She rushed from the bedroom as I jumped up from bed, pulling on a pair of sweats and a t-shirt
Down the hall I heard her yelling, “Go away, Darren! You don’t get to come here! This is my house!”
I raced down the hallway tae follow her.
She was yelling through the closed door, “Go away—!”
She shrieked.
It sounded as if Darren had thrown his shoulder against the door.
He plowed intae it again. It sounded as if he were goin’ tae splinter it down the middle.
I waited a beat, until he was goin’ tae do it again, and pulled the door open as he threw his shoulder against it. He stumbled against me when he dinna make contact.
I yanked him up by the back of his jacket and pushed him back out onto the stoop.
Blakely screamed, “He might have a gun!”
“A gun? How come he would hae a...”
I asked the arse, “What the fuck ye doin’ here mate?”
He looked confused and hammered drunk.
I looked past him at a car in the drive, the headlamps still on. The front fender was embedded in a bush.
Blakely clung to my sleeve.
Darren slurred, “Why’s he here? Who is thish idiot, Blakely?”
Blakely said, “You aren’t supposed to be here, this is my house.”
“—Not. Not your house. Still mine!” He tapped his chest.
Then he threw his arms out. “All mine. And you... you’re my wife — I need to go to bed. It was a long day, a big night.” He was weaving on his feet. “Closed the new Jensen film, came to celebrate — who the fuck is this...?”
“Jeez, Darren, this is so inappropriate. I am your ex. Step off.”
I said, “Ye are too drunk tae drive. Ye will hae tae sleep it off in the car, but ye arna comin’ in.”
He shoved me on my chest.