Page 36 of Snow's Storm
“I should get back to my cabin. Early morning tractor pull or something.” Afton rubs the nape of his neck and lets out a small chuckle.
“You could stay and watch a movie,” I blurt out. What is wrong with me?
“Maybe some other time.” Afton yawns, stretching his arms above his head. “I don’t know how London does it, getting up so early every morning.”
“Takes some getting used to,” Shane says, lifting his coffee to his lips.
“I’ll see you guys at breakfast,” he says as he steps out onto the porch. We all watch him go. He is really good looking.
“Thanks for being so nice to him,” London tells us.
“No problem,” I say with a shrug. “I guess if you forgive him, then we can, too.”
“I appreciate it.”
“Now, someone said there was movie time.” Shane lets out a hearty laugh as he chases me up the stairs. London follows right behind, chuckling all the way.
I love moments like this.