Page 48 of Snow's Storm
“You’re going to be okay,” Afton assures me.
“I hope so,” I tell him honestly.
“I don’t know what happened,” he says, compassion in his eyes, “but those guys love you.”
“They do. And I love them.” Yeah, I love them.
“He’s a really good guy.” Afton looks at London with affection in his eyes.
“Do you regret what you did?” I wrap my arms around my middle, peering up at him, hoping he’ll answer truthfully.
“Every day. I wanted to talk to London, but I didn’t know how to reach out. In all honesty I have an alert set up in my phone for when he’s in the news or when he’ll be somewhere. I show up, hoping he’ll see me and call me over. This popped up in one of those alerts and I knew I had my chance. I didn’t know I would actually be chosen, but at least I had a chance.”
“Sometimes taking chances leads to beautiful things,” I say with a shrug.
“It does. Is it true you were a ballerina?”
“I was. Until my accident . . . and then Ben.” I take a moment to compose myself. That name falling from my lips makes me sick. And the thought of him possibly being on the homestead frightens me more than I let on.
“I heard about your accident. I’m sorry. Who’s Ben?”
“He was my stalker. And then he was my boyfriend. He talked me out of dancing and letting him take care of me. His taking care of me was using me as a punching bag. My parents loved him.”
“Sounds like your parents are dicks,” he replies.
“They are. I managed to get away from Ben. I made my way here and have been here for about four months, almost five now.”
“How long were you with him?”
“Almost eight months.”
“I’m glad you got away.” He squeezes my hand.
“Me too.”
“How did you meet Shane?” he asks, changing the subject from my ex, and I’m relieved.
“I was on Season Two and became friends with Skye and Ever.” I point to Skye who’s laughing with Ever. “Once you’re a friend, you’re part of the family. There’s a whole bunch you haven’t even met.”
“I’ve only met you and Shane,” he says, shoving his hands in his pockets.
“There’s Silas and Axel—they’re twins. The guy that went off with Silas is Oscar—he’s training under London. Lincoln and Skye are married. Ariel, who you saw the other day, she’s married to that guy next to her, Brick. Memphis and Ever. Mckenna and Jimmy are together—they were on Season Two, as well, and they live next door to Skye and Linc. And then there’s Mason and Alexa.”
“That’s a lot of people to take in.” His eyes widen as he scans our growing “family.”
“You’ll get used to it. We’re not always in the same place at the same time unless it’s a family gathering. Shane likes to do family BBQs twice a month. They’re here now for the show and there’s more that we consider a part of the fold, but they’re out doing things, like fights.”
“Have you watched a fight?”
“I’ve watched videos of London’s fights. He has Oscar come over and watch them. I’ve never been to one in real life.”
“It’s exciting, the roar of the crowd, the testosterone in the air.”
“Hot, sweaty men.” I giggle.