Page 78 of Snow's Storm
“The show is kind of good PR, so the league is giving me some time off. I’ll be back on the ice by the end of next month.”
“In Atlanta?”
“Yeah. I’ll make sure to leave tickets for a skybox for everyone.” He chuckles, swiveling his gaze between me and Snow.
“I’d love to see a game,” Snow admits.
“Same. I watch occasionally, but to see a live game would be awesome,” I say as I help Snow into the back seat, while Afton climbs in the front.
I move to shut the door and London is standing there. Like a creeper.
“So, I turn you gay and you move on?” He sneers.
“I was never gay, and you didn’t turn me gay. You taught me to love who I love, regardless of sex. That was you.”
“Was?” he asks, crossing his arms, a disapproving scowl on his face.
“When you get your head on straight, you can come home, but you’re acting like a dick,” I hiss.
“I’m finding out that Snow is a liar and you’re a cheater,” he snaps back at me.
“What is wrong with you? This morning you thought the kitchen scene was hot. You said that you liked watching and you would talk to us when things weren’t so bad. And now, you’re here throwing out insults.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” he shouts.
Keeping my voice low and calm, I say, “You’re not you. When you find yourself, we’ll be waiting.” With that, I jump in the truck and peel out.
“He’s not okay,” Snow whispers.
“He’s a big boy. Whatever is going on, I hope he figures it out. He’ll be welcomed home when he gets his head on straight.”
“I bet it’s that Scott guy putting thoughts in his head,” Afton remarks.
After that, the drive back to the homestead is mostly silent. No one really has much to say—likely pondering on thoughts of London, his shitty attitude, and behavior as of late. I just don’t understand what’s gotten into him. But either way, he’s got to figure it out for himself.
Parking in the drive, we sit in silence for a minute before heading inside.
“There you guys are,” Silas says.
“Dealing with an asshole,” I mutter.
“London?” Axel asks.
“Yeah,” Snow mumbles.
“You know what gets your mind off of assholes?” Axel grins.
“Yes, but I was going to say baking since that’s what you said you were doing.” Silas smirks.
“Glad to have the extra hands. Snow, a little music?” I chuckle as she hooks up her phone to the speaker.
“Bowls, Silas,” I say, and he takes out all he can find as Snow grabs spatulas.
Axel is in the pantry pulling down the ingredients.
“Just the chocolate chip cookies first, Axel. We don’t want to make too much of a mess.” I smile with amusement because he won’t listen. These guys live for food.