Page 81 of Snow's Storm
“Morning,” I greet Snow as she enters the kitchen.
“Morning.” She gets right to work. We’re making breakfast for everyone so she can tell her story.
It’s a big step for Snow. I’m proud of her.
“Morning,” Afton greets us with Axel on his heels.
“Coffee is on. We’re working on eggs, and sausage is in the oven,” I tell them as Silas comes down and pours a cup of coffee.
“Wow, you not only moved on, but with three guys.” We all turn toward London’s voice.
“Look here, fucker.” Silas starts to rush at him.
“No, it’s all right,” I warn, lifting a hand to stop him. “Doesn’t matter what you say, he’ll believe what he wants.”
“I thought better of you, Shane,” London hisses.
“I could say the same about you, London,” I snap. “Why are you here?”
“Just grabbing my clothes,” he growls, trying to push past me.
“Get them and get out,” I order, halting him in his tracks, making it clear that, this time, it is an order.
Whirling on me, anger pervades his features. “Or what?”
“London, this isn’t you,” Snow says, trying to approach him gently. “Something is wrong. You’re sweet and kind, and willing to help whenever you can. You love all of us as family. You’re in there somewhere.”
“Oh, the liar speaks,” London snaps, glaring directly at Snow.
“Get the fuck out,” I yell. I’ve had enough. I’ll not allow this shit in my home.
“I’m done.” London tosses his hands up and storms out, the sound of the door slamming echoing through the house.
“That’s not London,” Silas says, and we all agree.
“Let’s not worry about him right now. We have breakfast and therapy,” I remind them.
“You sure you want to do this?” Axel asks Snow.
She nods. “It will explain why I went missing for almost a year.”
“I think you’re brave.” Silas kisses the top of her head and then throws a grape at her.
“Hey,” she squeals.
What a way to break the tension. These guys are the best.