Page 99 of Snow's Storm
“I will at breakfast,” he replies. “Apparently, I have speed dating this morning.”
“Speed dating?” Afton raises a questioning brow.
“Sal is having tables set up, and I get five minutes with each contestant.”
“That could be cool,” Afton remarks. “You can find out a lot about someone in five minutes.”
“Yeah,” Austin agrees. “Then we’re going to a pumpkin patch.”
“For what?” Afton asks.
“Good will for kids. Beau has a stand next to his bar and we’re going to help kids pick out a pumpkin.”
“That’s sweet,” I say.
“Well, it’s for me to observe the contestants. I’ll have an elimination tomorrow. Not sure what else is going on.”
“You should do strip volleyball or something,” Axel suggests.
“Kind of a good idea, so you know what you’re working with.” Silas waggles his eyebrows.
“But not naked, down to bikinis or speedos,” Shane recommends. “Losers have to compete in a race around the pond to win a date with you or something.”
“I like that,” Austin says. “I want to do a scavenger hunt through the woods—at night—kind of give it a horror feel.”
“Maybe we could dress up in costumes and put up sets, like go talk to the wordy witch and she will give you a new clue,” I say with a grin.
Austin smiles at me. “Good, keep ’em coming.”
“And then another person could be a vampire that leads you to a werewolf where you will get your next clue. We could get everyone to help. It would be fun. You could start them with different clues so they’re not on top of each other or different paths, and maybe have them in twos because safety first and all, but winning team gets a date,” I finish.
“And it should be an elimination date, but they don’t know that until they get to it.” Silas smirks.
“I like this. Snow, can you help come up with some other things to do?” Austin asks.
“Yeah, we can go with the strip volleyball and the scavenger hunt. I can think about this for the day.”
“Thanks, I’ll tell Sal what we got so far,” Austin says, seemingly excited. “I want more fun things, hoping for competition to liven things up and try to stay away from too much drama.”
“We got you,” Silas tells him.
“Let’s get this out,” Shane says as we load up the carts. We have to take the breakfast out to the tent.
“You might have found a calling,” Afton says, and I just smile.
“We want fun, right?” Shane quips.
“Competition brings out the drama,” I say.
“That’s true,” he agrees.
“I’m down for it,” he says.
“I need to do calf roping, too.” I make a mental list.
“See? Natural.” He kisses my cheek.