Page 20 of Abducted (Vakarran Captives 3)
The next morning, I stole off by myself, trying to clear my head.
I didn’t want her to affect me. She shouldn’t be consuming my mind like this. She was a fucking human, a breeder. That was it.
But I couldn’t get my mind off her. Instead, all I could imagine was how tight her pussy had gripped my cock, how her little gasps of delight as I fucked her echoed in my ears, and how beautiful her skin looked marked with my seed. Her hair cascading down her back looked like a brilliant red halo and even now, the blue pools of her eyes seemed permanently painted in my vision. I’d seen her sadness when I’d left, her sorrow at my refusal to connect with her. For some reason, this burned away at my soul.
But fucking her like that. Damn it all.
It was the hottest thing I could ever imagine. I shouldn’t be affected by her as much as I was. That’s why I had to leave the room, why I didn’t want to talk to her or forge any sort of relationship with her then. If I’d had my way then, I’d have fucked her all night. She’d have felt the soreness from me for days if I had done that. I’d have been sure of it. And I would have wanted to ravish her.
Now, I was by myself, smoking in the cargo bay, reflecting on the events of the past twenty-four hours.
A fucking human of all things. I was a Vakarran and all I was feeling right now was weakness. I’d never felt something like this before.
It unnerved me.
My comrades and I had been exiled for a while now. We’d taken up a life where we took what we wanted, when we wanted, and we didn’t exactly care if any consequences came with it. Talor had seen Mya’s picture and we’d all decided to claim her as our own, since our exile meant we’d never have access to any humans or compatible genetic partners as a part of any Vakarran conquests. Ever.
We’d pissed off the wrong people and kissed that option goodbye.
I’d had plenty of women before, but none like this one. This human was different from the others. Usually, it was just sex. It fulfilled a need, relieved stress, and enabled me to focus on what mattered the most, whether it be an invasion, conquest, or sale of stolen goods. But f
or some strange fucking reason, Mya was different.
I couldn’t get her out of my mind.
Even after I’d slept all night in another room. I hadn’t even touched her in over eight hours and I was still thinking about her.
What was wrong with me?
I had other more important things to worry about rather than a woman, like the trip to the Underground Station, a veritable black market for literally any types of goods you could think of, even the trafficking of both male and female species, alien or human. It didn’t matter. It was the place where I’d gotten my illegal e-cig cartridge, power by hydrogen, helium, and oxygen, rather than the old school mix of tobacco and other chemicals.
I added other, more interesting things to it as well, like liquid ecstasy, a drug that had gone through many evolutions over the past few centuries. My nanoparticle mix had only the most potent ingredients, made by one man in the Underground that I trusted with my life. My brother.
I took a long drag of the drugged steam, letting the molecules wash over me, trying to chase away my obsession with our new human conquest, but as I waited, I couldn’t. Even a half hour later, Mya was still the only thing on my mind.
We had some cargo to unload today, some stolen hydrogen gun cartridges, a few laser-powered weapons as well as a delivery of some of the highest-grade cocaine available on the market, straight from the jungles of Venassathi, for my brother to sell.
Although we’d had plenty of opportunity to traffic men and women, as a group, we had decided against it. We preferred to make our money on actual goods, not forced slavery.
As Vakarrans, it was normal for us to enslave those we conquered, but it had always left a bad taste in my mouth when our species sold them off for various purposes. Mya though, was different. We needed a breeder if we ever wanted to start a family.
And her file had popped up at an opportune time, the Celestial Mates Dating Agency just a quick trip away. So, we took her. And now, she was overwhelming me with visions of how she might look sucking my cock.
How the hell was I supposed to function today?
Groaning, I took another drag and lifted my eyes as I saw Talor walk in to the cargo bay with me. His expression was pensive, as he explored mine for hints at what I was thinking.
“You regret our new acquisition,” he began once he was standing in front of me, his gaze searching mine. As our leader, he’d always been far too fucking good at reading my thoughts and right now, it kind of grated on my nerves. But he had my loyalty, earned after years of military experience between us, so I kept my thoughts to myself.
“No,” I mumbled, scuffing the heel of my boot against the floor.
“Then why are you hiding down here, Ejan? Afraid?”
“Fuck that. I’m not afraid, Talor.”
He was quiet for a long moment.