Page 22 of Navigating Lexie
Theboatrockedand swayed against the light waves rolling in. The wind was blowing across the sea sending a slight chill across his arms. After tossing whatever he could find on the counter into the blender and calling it a margarita, Nav brought the pitcher out, resting it on the table for the others. It was ten times stronger than he expected it to be—like gasoline dripping down his throat with a hint of lime salt. As his face warmed from the alcohol, he listened to a story his brother was telling about a hike he and Kennedy had recently gone on near the south rim of the Grand Canyon, but couldn’t focus. A shift of light from movement inside the boat caught his attention. He turned his body toward the window, spotting Lexie staring back at him from in the center of the saloon.
He watched as a smile curled at her lips, following her gaze across the saloon to where Kennedy and Adam were sitting together wrapped in a fit of laughter. He stared for a moment as well, letting himself drift into the happiness seeping from the newly engaged couple. He turned his head back to where Lexie was standing, hoping to signal for her to join in the fun, but as his head swiveled back, Lexie had disappeared.
He glanced down at his cup, realizing it was still half full of the terrible cocktail he invented. He tilted it back, letting the contents slip down his throat bringing fire straight to his belly. As uncomfortable as it felt, he didn’t care. The sudden desire to be in the same vicinity as Lexie overwhelmed him as he excused himself from the nonsense hiking conversation and stepped into the dark saloon. He settled his glass into the sink and leaned his body against the entry of the stairs down into Lexie’s cabin. “You decent down there?” He hollered out, his speech only slightly slurred.
Her hair filled the frame of his vision before the rest of her did and he was mesmerized at how good she looked in nothing but that ratty old t-shirt. She waved her hand at him, signaling for him to join her before stepping away from the stairs. He wandered down to the small cabin, standing at the base of the stairs while she sat on the edge of the bed just a few feet from him.
“What’s up, Nav?” she asked blandly.
“What are you doing down here? Are you okay? I’m really sorry about spilling on you.”
“It’s fine. I’m okay.”
“Well, come join us. Adam is telling a thrilling story about hiking on the south rim.” Lexie flashed her eyes up to meet Nav’s with a curled lip and a raised eyebrow. A displeased groan escaped her lips.
“I love him and Kennedy but I swear if I have to listen to one more story about a stick they found while hiking, I might lose it.”
Nav laughed. “I suppose it’s slightly better than listening to them talk about coding, though.”
Her lips pulled into a smile. “Yeah, that’s true.” She paused for a moment, rolling the fabric of her t-shirt between her thumb and forefinger. “I actually only brought one sweater and I’m already cold, so I was just going to turn in for the night.”
Nav flipped his watch up. “Uh, it’s like nine o’clock.”
She rolled her eyes. “Yes, I know, but you know how much I hate being cold.”
He nodded. He remembered always needing to bring a blanket along with them everywhere they went. He ended up keeping one in his car permanently so he always had one available for her. In fact, when Adam sold the car a few weeks ago, he called to ask about the blanket shoved into the spare tire in the trunk. He had been surprised it was still in there, just waiting for another opportunity to snuggle up with Lexie.
“Well, shit,” he said as he turned toward the closet where his bag was. Without a word, he pulled it out and tossed it onto the bed, rummaging through until he felt his hands land on the fleece jacket he brought only at Eagle’s recommendation. He yanked it out of the bag and rested it on the bed next to Lexie before turning to shove his bag back into the closet.
She picked it up and began to run her fingers along the firehouse emblem on the right chest.
“I never would have imagined you as a firefighter,” she said quietly.
“What did you envision me as?” he asked out of curiosity.
She continued to stare at the red and white emblem before meeting his curious stare. “I don’t know. You always said you wanted to get into biology. I know you loved working at the marina.”
He laughed and lowered himself down on the bed next to her, allowing their legs to touch, which sent a current through his body. He cleared his throat. “I did love working at the marina until I realized I hated being on boats. And sharks. And I sucked at math and science.”
She turned her head and narrowed her eyes. “So I’m guessing you’ve overcome that hatred for boats?” she waved her arms around the cabin.
A cracked laugh escaped his lips. “Not quite, but I also couldn’t say no to this trip. I’ve been a shit friend... A shit brother... I’ve missed out on so much while using work as an excuse. For once I needed to convince myself it was okay to take some time off and enjoy life again.”
“Yeah, I know what you mean. I almost didn’t come. Oliver and I, we--” she paused for a moment and then shook her head. “Sorry.”
He twisted his lips together. “Why are you sorry?”
“I just don’t mean to keep bringing up Oliver. I’m sure it’s weird that I talk about him,” she whispered.
He turned his body to face hers, pulling their legs apart from one another. He replaced the warmth he felt in his legs with the warmth from her hand as he grasped it in his own. “Don’t ever feel sorry about talking about Oliver. I don’t ever want you to feel like you can’t share those parts of your life with me.” He meant every word. It stung knowing Oliver was able to provide the love Lexie needed when he couldn’t, but he was also so grateful for Oliver’s love. Lexie deserved every ounce that he had poured into her and the woman who was sitting beside him was all the better for it.
She nodded as a slight smile climbed onto her lips. “Thank you for this.” She pulled her arms through the sleeves and the jacket swallowed her. She zipped the front and he couldn’t help but notice the way her nose lingered along the neckline as she took a deep breath in.
“How is it possible that you smell the same way you did all those years ago?”
Nav laughed. “Well, I’m a cheap-ass, simple man. I still use the same cologne and deodorant I’ve used since I was sixteen.”
“I guess that doesn’t surprise me,” she said as she turned to smile at him.
Nav stood and extended his hand toward her. She hesitated for a moment before grasping his hand in hers as she stood. For just a moment they stayed there together in the warmth of their joined hands as the current between them began to grow. He could feel her hot breath against his neck and the only thing he could think about was shoving her back onto the bed behind them and reminiscing on their college years. He knew she could feel the tension spawning between them as she cleared her throat and dropped his hand. Shaking himself back into reality, he turned and began to climb the stairs, leaving the fleeting moment of rekindled passion behind them.