Page 24 of Navigating Lexie
Hewoketothe sound of Analise banging pots and pans around the kitchen just feet from his makeshift bed in the saloon. He had laid with Lexie on the trampoline for about an hour as the silence surrounded them. It was comforting to be by her side as the gentle waves lapped into the boat. While the weight of his tired eyes fought against his busy mind, Nav stayed awake until Lexie was ready for bed, ensuring she was in her cabin before he passed out in the saloon. He flipped his watch up and illuminated his small space. It was only 6 AM. He groaned, knowing he had only been asleep for a few hours.
He flung the covers off of himself and carried them with him outside. The sun was beginning to rise, casting shades of yellow across the deep waters around them. He flopped onto the chaise bench and tucked his knees in, facing the back of the bench and covering his head with the blanket. He fell into a quick sleep, snoozing peacefully until he felt the weight of a small hand on his shoulder.
“Hey, Nav.” Lexie’s sweet voice filtered through his mind, inserting directly into his dream. He could see her face staring back at him with a smile behind the mask of his eyelids. She gently rubbed his shoulder and he pulled himself to reality, forcing his eyes open and tossing the blanket off his sweaty legs. He vaguely remembered peeling his clothes off as the heat of the day began to take shape in the morning. He flung his legs over and pulled himself up into a seating position, adjusting his boxers against the morning wood creeping up. He crumpled the blanket into a ball and held it on his lap, cheeks blazoned red in embarrassment. “Did you sleep out here all night? I thought you were going to sleep in the saloon?”
He rubbed his hands across his face and looked up to meet her eyes. Her long auburn hair was resting along her face in tight coils and her eyes were twinkling in the light of the sun. She was standing just a few feet away in a sundress flowing gently against her body.
“No, I did sleep in the saloon until Analise started cooking at six this morning, so I came out here to sleep more. What time is it?” he asked, not wanting to remove his eyes from hers.
“It’s a little after nine. There’s breakfast inside. You can sleep in the cabin tonight if you want.”
He stared at her for a moment, unsure he heard her correctly. He was all for a good night’s sleep in an actual bed, but he also didn’t want to make her uncomfortable by being in the same bed. It had been a long time since they shared a bed together. He nodded and grabbed his pants off the floor of the deck, slipping them over his legs. He grabbed his shirt and stood, nodding toward the saloon. “I’m going to take my stuff inside and grab something to eat.”
She bobbed her head up and down and walked straight to the trampoline where she lowered herself and stared above at the blue skies.
He walked into the saloon to find everyone else sitting around the table, which had been his bed just a few hours ago.
“Hey! Did you sleep out there all night?” Eagle yelled out.
Nav shook his head. “I was sleeping where your ass is right now until Analise got up to cook breakfast.”
“Fuck man, if we had room in our bed, I’d let you sleep in ours.”
A loud cackle escaped from Nav’s lips. “I’m good, Eagle. I’m used to sleeping in less than stellar conditions.”
“Ah yes, the military boy,” Adam called out, mid-bite.
Nav rolled his eyes. “More like a firefighter who works 48-hour shifts multiple times a week.” He spun on his heels and turned toward Lexie’s cabin, ignoring his brother’s jab.
“Yeah, yeah. Does the firefighter have room in his schedule to have some fun today?” Adam asked in a condescending tone.
Nav turned half his body to glance back at his brother. “Yes, what’s the plan today?”
Eagle spoke up. “Day drinking!”
Nav nodded slowly and tossed his hand up in an ‘okay’ motion before descending into the lower cabin. He pushed Lexie’s door open with unnecessary force, irritated with Adam, and wandered to the small closet to sift through the items in his bag. He dug around until his hands brushed against the smooth material of his swim trunks. He grabbed them out of his bag and wandered into the bathroom.
Three years ago his body would have fit perfectly in the tiny cabin shower. Now, with the muscles outlined on every inch of his body, he had to angle his body to fit just right.
The warm water dripped down his back and onto the floor beneath him. He wrapped a towel around his lower half and stepped toward the large mirror, grabbing the hand towel to swipe across the foggy condensation. He stared back at the man in the mirror, a vast contrast from the man he was just a few short years ago.
He ruffled his hand against the soft tendrils of his hair and slid the bathroom door open, letting the cool air from the cabin rush in against his hot skin. He closed his eyes and breathed deeply, preparing to face the group once again, but with a fresh attitude. Just as he exhaled, he heard an audible gasp. His eyes flew open to find a surprised Lexie standing in front of him with her hand over her mouth.
A smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.
“Sorry, oh geez. I didn’t know you were down here. Sorry. I--uh,” she paused and turned around toward the bed. “I just wanted to grab my sunscreen. Shit.”
He laughed and tightened the towel against his abdomen.
“By all means... I’ll wait.”