Page 45 of Navigating Lexie
HeknewbringingLexie out to the cabana for the night might have consequences...especially the night before they were supposed to head back to St. Thomas, but he couldn’t help it. He wanted to be alone with Lexie and wanted her to feel comfortable with him. He knew she wanted to be the girl she once was. She wanted Nav to announce from every corner of the universe that they were sleeping together and testing out the waters, but he could tell she was also hesitant to dive in fully. She hadn’t admitted it to him outright, but her hesitant little movements gave it all away, especially as they sat at the dinner table surrounded by their friends. No one had asked for an update, giving them the time and space they needed to process and announce on their own terms.
As he sat by the pool after dinner he thought about the strength that showed. They had both grown so much in only a few short years. She wasn’t wrong--they were two entirely different people than they had been. They needed to be loved differently than they had in college and he knew there was a very real possibility that a second chance wasn’t in the cards for them, but he wanted to try. He had to try. He couldn’t go on any longer wondering “what if”. He was all in for Lexie. He had survived the heartbreak of losing her once, but this time, if it ended in heartbreak, at least he’d know he tried his damndest to make it work. That’s all he wanted.
The sun was rising ahead of them, peeking into the corners of the cabana. He had no idea what time it was as both he and Lexie left their phones back at the house, but he figured if the sun was waking up, they probably needed to as well. Lexie had spent the night cuddled close to his heart, and he had his arm wrapped around her back. Her long auburn hair was splayed out against his chest and the softness of it was comforting. He used his free hand and ran it through her hair as he spoke out in a gentle whisper. “Good morning, Lou. We should probably get back to the house.”
She shifted beside him and tilted her head so she could look at him. He smiled back and leaned down to kiss her forehead. “What time is it?” she croaked out in her best morning voice.
“I actually have no idea. I left my phone at the house last night on the charger.”
She sat up straighter and glanced around. She had fallen asleep first, so he shut the cabana curtains and turned off all the lights so they could sleep. He swung his legs over the side and adjusted his morning wood before walking over and letting the sunlight peek in fully. He tied off the curtain and gazed out at the calm waters. If he had to guess it was likely around six o’clock, which gave them plenty of time, but he also didn’t want to risk it being much later than that as they both had to pack up. She walked up and leaned into him. Wrapping his arms around her shoulders, he pulled her closely to him with a small kiss on her head.