Page 9 of Wait For Me
Senior Chief Miller stood with his shoulders hunched as if he was crushed by the weight of the air in the room. To be fair, he always looked like that. Salty and worn, like he should have retired years ago.
HM3 Cooper nudged Landon with his elbow as he lowered his head to fit through the hatch. “Can you believe this crap? Just a few more days and we would have been free.” Landon stood beside him in silence, not bothering to find another spot. Cooper had a big mouth and an annoying habit of drinking so much in port that he had to be carried in, but his Marines loved him so that had to count for something.
“I think that’s everyone.” Chief Elyse nodded to the door. Her perfectly filed fingernails drummed against the sleeve of her uniform.
Senior Chief Miller rubbed the back of his neck. “You’re all wondering why you’re here and wanting to know how serious this solar flare thing is. From everything we are gathering, it doesn’t seem anyone was prepared for an event of this magnitude. I can’t tell you any more than speculation, but it’s going to be a different America we return to. In the coming days, while the ship gets fixed and sets its course back to the states, rumors are bound to run rampant. From a medical standpoint, expect high levels of anxiety if not outright panic from your Marines and any sailors you know on this ship. Most of them will do their jobs, be on the lookout for those who can’t handle the stress. If fear begins to spread, mark my words- there will be chaos. Keep your Marines safe and watch out for them. That shouldn’t be too hard, right?”
A few chuckles sounded around the room. Landon’s fist clenched at his sides, reading the message behind the Senior Chief’s words. Panic. Chaos. He had to get home and make sure they were alright.
“Are we clear on this?” Chief Elyse stepped forward; her five-foot-four frame commanding the attention of the lower enlisted gathered around. “Your Marines are your responsibility.”
“They always were, Chief.” Landon sighed.
She narrowed her eyes at him. “Good. Then there should be no issues. Dismissed.”
HM3 Cooper sided up next to him as they walked the tight passageway to their berthing. “Something feels off about this. Why would they have that type of meeting?”
Landon forced his shoulders to relax. He felt it too, but he had to maintain his composure for all their sakes. His thoughts drifted to LCpl Martinez. He needed to check on him. “It’s probably no big deal. Seeing the sky like that and comms being down right before we are supposed to go home is bound to set everyone on edge. It was more of a preemptive talk so they can’t say they didn’t warn us.”
“Nah, man. I think this is bigger than they are letting on. I don’t know that we are going home any time soon.” His voice was strong, but he glanced at Landon nervously.
“Don’t say that.” Landon clenched his jaw. “Don’t contribute to the panic. We’ll get home one way or another. Just keep your head down and do your job. You don’t get paid to think.”