Page 30 of Take My Hand
MY GASP CATCHES Liam’s attention, and his expression must mirror mine; I can hear Mike’s worry through the phone, his voice reflecting his anguish. I can’t understand why the FBI would take them. They’re supposed to protect families like Mike and Jen.
This is all our fault. We went there and they helped us, and now they’re separated.
“Okay, we’ll meet you there.” Liam turned grave the second he heard what they’d done to his friend.
He and I were so wrapped up in each other, and the feeling of him over my body, touching me like I’ve been craving was something I never thought I’d get to feel again. Getting interrupted made me angry at that phone.
Now I feel horrible for worrying about us when poor Jenny is being held somewhere, isolated, trying not to let her little boy see or feel her fear.
“We’re meeting Mike in the morning.” He turns from me, and I throw my shirt back on to give myself the semblance of normalcy then walk over to Liam.
“We’ll help him,” I say, even though I have no idea how we’re going to do that. I don’t know the first thing about the FBI or how they’ll operate in this situation.
“We have to.” Liam’s voice is low, and I try to think of how to take away his guilt, but I can’t. There’s nothing I can say that would help him with that.
I decide to change the subject, hoping I can get him to think about taking care of himself just this once. “Let’s get some sleep, and we’ll see him tomorrow. We’ll make a plan.” I turn him so I can see his eyes. I level with him, trying to be the strong partner. “We will find them.”
Liam nods and allows me to pull him to the bed. I didn’t question him getting a room with a single bed, his idea being that it was less suspicious if we shared a bed than if we were separate. He crawls under the sheets and pulls me down with him. A selfish part of me is glad for the comfort I can give him. It’s something I’ve wanted to do all along, and the domestic act of spooning makes me nearly giddy.
When I hear him succumb to sleep, I wonder how long he’s had to deal with this stuff alone.
The next morning, we hustle through showers and are out the door by five. We’re meeting Mike on our way to Nevada, which Liam has finally informed me is our destination. I don’t ask how Mike is going to get a flight without leading the FBI directly to us. It’s on the tip of my tongue, but I don’t want to add stress to the situation.
We arrive at a diner off the highway where Mike is due to meet us. I’m hoping I have time to eat some food before we have to leave and sigh in relief when Liam tells me to order whatever I want. He leaves to go to the bathroom, so I order several things from the menu and sip my coffee as I wait.
Liam chose the corner booth in the restaurant, and I know now that it’s because he doesn’t like to have his back to the door, which is smart. I’m learning all sorts of self-preservation strategies while being hitched to Liam. I get a feeling I’ve never had, one of excitement and rightness. This adventure we’re on finally makes me feel like there’s something I can do in this life, like there’s a place I finally belong. I only wish it wasn’t currently hurting innocent people. My thoughts turn to Jen and Benny, and I send up a quick prayer that wherever they are, they’re safe.
I sit looking around the room, trying not to be obvious about it. I wonder if I’m doing a good job of that, but it’s hard to tell. I note everyone in the café and don’t see any suspicious characters. The bell rings above the door and I see a large man enter. I immediately stiffen, my nerves shot from the last few days, and when he turns toward me, I relax only slightly as I realize it’s Mike.
He comes toward the booth and I stand, giving him a tight hug before I can think about it being awkward or weird. The man just had his wife and his son taken away, and comfort is the best—and nearly only—thing I can give him right now.
“Sit,” I say, gesturing toward the booth. He takes the seat across from me, and I resume my position.
“Where is he?” I wonder if he’s purposefully not saying his name. I just nod in the direction he went in, and Liam pops around the corner at that moment and heads our way.
When he sits down, he nods at Mike. I wonder if that’s his normal with Mike in public, because it doesn’t seem very friendly.
“How you holding up, man?” Liam asks, and I glare at him for his insensitive tone. He’s acting like this guy isn’t his best friend.
“I’m okay. I’ve just got to get them back.” Mike rubs his hands together, the worry clear in his voice.
The waitress comes and takes his coffee order.
Liam looks Mike over, taking in his appearance. “How’d they know I was there?”
“I don’t know, man. I have no idea,” Mike says, shaking his head.
“Well, I sure didn’t lead them there.”
Mike shrugs. “They had to have looked into our past. It’s the only way they’d connect you to me.”
“Yeah.” Liam agrees, but he doesn’t sound convinced. “So, where’s the wire?” Liam changes his position, and in the span of a second, he looks and sounds dangerous.
“What?” Mike asks, looking at Liam like he’s crazy.