Page 78 of Take My Hand
I SIT ON the bench by the lockers where we store our civilian clothes and bags, staring down at the bag of donuts in my hands. The memories are ones that are weird to be fond of, but I can’t help but smile at the snack.
For some reason I’m surprised he remembered how much I loved these, even though nowadays I don’t really eat things like this. I try to keep myself in shape now that my job is so tough on my body, but I allow myself the guilty pleasure and toss them into my bag before swinging it over my shoulder and walking out the door.
My apartment is only a few blocks from the precinct, and because of that, I always walk to work. I’m always armed, of course, but I do walk. Before I can make it out the door, someone grabs my arms and whirls me toward them. On instinct, one of my arms twists out of the hold, and I grab the perp’s hand, bending it painfully. My left knee comes up and makes contact with his groin, and a groan slips from his mouth.
My hand immediately releases and goes to my mouth to hold in a gasp, watching Liam breathe deeply for a minute before he can catch his breath.
“I’m sorry,” I say through my hands, the words muffled. I walk over and pat his back, trying to be comforting after kicking him in the balls. People walk by, looking at him groaning and me with my sheepish smile, and I nod and wave my hand as if to say, No worries here, move along.
Liam finally stands up straight and breathes out a gust of air, looking at me like he has just been rejuvenated. “Damn, I should know not to sneak up on you, but I didn’t think it’d result in that.”
“I’m sorry,” I say again, and despite still being pissed, I really do feel bad. Groin hits are low blows—no pun intended.
“It’s okay.” He gives me a smile, his eyes soft in a shyness I’ve only seen in Liam, and he gestures toward my bag, where he can see the donuts sticking out. “I just wanted to make sure you got my present.”
I chuckle slightly, feeling bad and awkward and trying to keep a wall up against him. “Yeah, uh, I was surprised you remembered.”
“I remember everything about you, Mo.” His voice is low, respectful of the fact that there are ears around that might overhear something I wouldn’t want them to.
I don’t reply, just give a little nod, and we stand there, both taking the other in. There’s no escaping how good he looks, and he’s still got scruff on his face that looks like he just decided not to shave for a few days. His hair looks like he’s been out in the sun, but it’s still dark and cut short. He’s gorgeous, and my inner whore wants to say, Screw self-respect—jump him! But I ignore the tension I’m suddenly feeling and shut her up with the promise of donuts later.
“You working a case?” I bite my tongue after I say it, because it’s the only reason he’d be here.
“Yeah, missing person.”
“Rebecca Myers?” I ask, thinking about the girl who disappeared a few days ago. As part of everyday patrol, there is always the rule to keep an eye out for anything suspicious in case we stumble upon somewhere people could be hiding.
“Yeah. We’ve maybe got a lead on her, but we have to nail it down before the police can go in and take her.”
“You guys need help?” Just the thought of jumping in on the action makes my adrenaline spike, and I hope he’ll say yes.
“They’ve got it covered. It could be really dangerous, Mo.” His soft voice rubs me the wrong way, and our nice conversation takes a turn.
I steel my spine and look him in the eyes, my face blank. “I’m a cop, Liam, not just some innocent girl you only protected out of obligation.” My voice is hard.
“That’s not—dammit, I’m sorry,” he says, holding his hands out, palms up, showing me he knows he’s lost this conversation. “I didn’t mean you couldn’t handle it. I’m just not used to you being the one who goes in when shots are fired.”
“Well, you don’t have to get used to it,” I snark then walk around him, back into the station where I find the chief and beg to be let in to help with this case. “I’m good, sir. I can help, and I know a female officer would be better at getting to a teenage girl than a man would.”
I use that to my advantage. I don’t think it will actually matter much, but it can’t hurt. The chief looks at me for a moment, pursing his lips. He’s always liked me, and I think it’s because of my sass. I’ve never disrespected him, but I haven’t let anyone walk all over me either. I’ve kept to myself and done a damn fine job since I was hired.
“You sure?” he asks.
I just finished a short shift, and I could go ten more. “Yes sir.” I feel Liam behind me, keeping a respectable distance but listening all the same.
“Okay, Davis. Suit up and be ready to go. We have a house, and we’re about to see if there’s someone to take out.”
I nod and don’t waste another second, brushing past Liam and heading to get myself ready. I pass Johnson, and he gives me a look.
“Everything okay, ma’am?”
I hate that he calls me ma’am, but it’s expected, and there’s not a lot I can do about it. “I’m going in with the unit tonight,” I reply, voice firm as I continue to the lockers.
“Should I go too?” he asks, his voice unsure.