Page 15 of Theirs
My guess is they are.
“What?” He quirks a hard brow and I school my thoughts.
My evident nerves bring another smile to his face and he brushes a finger over my cheek, heating my skin.
“You look like you have something to say.”
“No.” I shake my head. I’ve already stepped over the line and I need to remember my place.
“You don’t have to be scared of me, Megan.” He keeps his tone measured and even. “It’s clear you’ve done your research, but if like you say you’ve been working at this club for a while, then you should be used to my kind. You know that inside the walls of this club, we don’t bite unless you want us to. Right?”
“Good girl. Now come take a walk with me.” He puts out his hand to take mine and I give it to him. When our fingers entwine, electricity races up my arm.
Anticipation fills every inch of my body as I allow him to lead me through the sliding doors.
This club has all sorts of hidden gems like secret passageways and pathways that interconnect. This is one of them. The whole floor is filled with a total of sixty fantasy rooms, some of which are themed. Others, like the one we’re approaching, have glass windows so people can watch what’s happening inside.
Cristiano leads me over there and we stop by the window to look at the raunchy activities before us.
In the center of the room is a wild orgy of people wearing masquerade masks. I’m guessing there are at least twenty people joined together on the red cushioned mattress in a cacophony of limbs and body parts.
Since the walls aren’t completely soundproof like some of the other rooms, their moans filter through to us like an erotic chorus of the forbidden.
To the left and right of the orgy are elegant sofas with more people having sex.
My gaze settles on a woman wearing nothing but a leather bra straddling a man with a Phantom of the Opera mask covering half of his face. Another man wearing a harlequin mask steps up behind her and thrusts deep into her ass.
They both start fucking her and she throws her head back, her body taking their relentless pounds. As she is wearing a mask too, I can’t see her face, but from the way her jaw slackens, I can tell she must be experiencing intense pleasure.
It reminds me of the few times I visited the club for fun before I started working here. I didn’t know places like this even existed until an adventurous ex of mine gave me the dark intro to the world of those who really live life on the edge.
Despite my debacle, I still like that part. It’s the thing that always arouses me.
Cristiano pulls me from my thoughts when he moves behind me and slips an arm around my waist. Leaning closer, he brushes his cheek over my ear and his massive erection pushes against my ass. He’s aroused and wants me to know it. I’m aroused too, so when he pushes harder, I move into him, savoring the feeling of his cock pressing against me. I can’t help but imagine what he’ll feel like inside me.
I glance up at him over my shoulder and notice the fascination dancing in his eyes. There’s an electric blue light above us which makes them appear brighter than they already are.
Catching my face, he guides me back to watch the woman and the two men possessing her. She comes, and as I hear her carnal cries of ecstasy, my mouth grows slack with desire.
“You’re a voyeur.” His voice holds the same fascination I saw lurking in his eyes. His hold loosens and I look at him.
“Am I?” I am, but I’m intrigued how he could know that about me just from the last few minutes.
“Yes, but you’re not the kind of woman I’d expect to meet here.”
“What kind of woman do you think I am?” Maybe he did look me up.
“You’re sexy as fuck, so that part fits.” He leans in, wrapping me in the musk of his cologne and his natural masculine scent. “But I can see there’s more to you than what you’re showing me.”
“Did you by any chance do your research on me too?” I’m stepping across another line, but part of me is curious to know if I’ve interested him too.
His smile widens. “I could have, but I didn’t. I like mystery. Sometimes the unknown is enticing.” His eyes dim for a moment, clouding his expression, but he resumes control before I can assess what I saw.“Sometimes it’s nicer to find things out a bit at a time just from talking.”
“I like that too.”