Page 34 of Theirs
My nerves spike as Knox and I pull up outside Bill’s shop.
I’m terrified of this confrontation and don’t know what to expect.
“Hey.” Knox brushes his hand over mine. The gentle touch soothes me and I’m reminded that I’m safe. “Don’t be afraid.”
“I’m trying not to be.” I keep replaying last night over and over in my mind. Each time I do, it drains me.
“I’m not going to let anything happen to you.”
“Thank you.” I can’t stop saying those words.
“Come, let’s get this done.” Knox's smile brightens and I summon courage.
We get out of his car and people look as we proceed up the path. When a man does a u-turn at the sight of Knox with the fear of God on his face, I feel safer.
As we walk into Bill’s shop, the men inside look like they’re going to shit themselves. One of them reaches for the phone but freezes when Knox takes out his gun and aims it at him.
“Don’t even fucking think about picking up that phone.” Knox’s voice echoes around the room. “Is Bill in his office?”
“Yes.” The guy nods.
Taking my arm, Knox keeps me close and shields me with his body while we make our way to Bill’s office.
When we get there, Knox doesn’t bother to knock. He just kicks the door in, startling Bill, who is sitting behind his desk, counting out his money.
Terror fills every inch of his face when he sees Knox. Then his terror is replaced with regret, which deepens when his eyes dart to me.
“Bill Rodriguez, look at you. How you been?” Knox’s voice is silky smooth and casual as if he’s greeting someone in passing on a leisurely Sunday walk in the park.
“Knox, I… um. Well… I’ve just been here.” Bill is stuttering.
My God in heaven, I never thought I’d live to see the day when Big Bad Bill looks like he’s ready to shit himself.
“Now I heard my girl here was nearly kidnapped last night by your guys.”
Bill’s dark brows fly into his hairline. “Your girl?”
His girl?
Even I have to look at Knox too as raw surprise wracks my brain.
“My girl.” He doesn’t look at me as he gives the confirmation, but I notice how easily he speaks. The gesture touches my heart with that warmth of comfort I haven’t felt in a long time.
“I didn’t know she was yours.” Bill rests a trembling hand on his desk.
“That’s no excuse.” Knox waves his gun toward Bill. “So I’m not sure you should get to live.”
“What do you want?” Bill stutters, his gaze unwavering.
“You’re going to give back every motherfucking cent that you took from her.”
My eyes bulge so wide I fear they might pop out of my head. This was what sorting Bill out meant. Giving me back all the money that I paid. My breathing slows as retribution fills me and I reflect on the injustice I’ve suffered at the hands of this man.
Bill shakes his head and the tremor in his hands infects the rest of his body. “I have other people tied up in that money.”