Page 41 of Theirs
“Wow.” Megan’s bright eyes widen with fascination as she steps into my apartment.
She has the same look most people have when they first come to my not-so-humble place of abode.
I don’t have a flashy mansion like Cristiano, but I have an equally ostentatious luxury penthouse apartment in the heart of the city. It has everything from a private pool, terrace, garden, and best of all, the view. I’ve always been a city boy. Even when I’m in Italy, I prefer the fast pace lifestyle to the idyllic ambiance of the countryside. But maybe that’s because of the way my parents raised me.
They were always away, and since I hated the silence of being alone, I sought anything with life and energy for comfort. That led me here.
Megan floats into the apartment like the angel she is and looks around at the less is more contemporary décor I have going on.
“I love it.” She smiles, twirling around.
It’s been a few days since the incident and she looks much better. I like seeing her like this. I know everything isn’t okay and it will be a long time before it is, but she looks happier. That works perfectly because tonight is my night to have her.
This is the start of our arrangement. Cristiano, Knox and I spoke a few days ago. We came up with a plan on how we were going to share this perfect woman who has managed to work some kind of magic on us to make us contemplate a relationship with her.
It’s as crazy as can be and way outside what we’ve ever done. Being at the Dark Odyssey and other sex clubs when we’re traveling is different. This is taking the fantasy into the real world. I don’t know how it will work, especially with this upcoming marriage, but I know we’ll make it work the same way we do with everything else.
For now, she’ll stay with Cristiano most of the time because we don’t want anyone getting suspicious. Knox and I will then have her for a day each per week. We might be able to fit in two days sometimes. It won’t matter anyway because we’ll see her at Cristiano’s place. These moments are just private and special.
Tonight was supposed to be Knox’s night with her before the two of us head out to L.A., but we swapped because I know Megan is eager to talk about her stepfather. He is a subject we haven’t spoken about since I first mentioned the possibility of finding him. It’s early days yet, so I don’t have any news, but I’m working on getting something. Over the last few days, it crossed my mind that her stepfather could only have disappeared the way he did if he knew the right people. People who could hide him so well it’s like he never existed. It’s people like that I’ve started looking into.
Her light laughter pulls me from my thoughts.
“Your apartment is like a cross between Bruce Wayne’s mansion and Iron man’s, whatever you call his place.” Her eyes sparkle.
“I’ve heard that before.” I chuckle. “But Cristiano is more Bruce Wayne than me. All he’s missing is an Alfred. He does have staff, though.”
“I agree.”
“Come, let’s go sit by the pool.” I slip my arm around her waist and pull her closer. She looks tiny next to me, but when she puts her arm around me, we fit. “Maybe we can go for a swim.”
“I like that. Means I get to look at you shirtless.”
I love the way she speaks her mind. “Oh, I’m a firm believer in swimming naked. You know what that means for you too.” I give her ass a firm squeeze and lower to crush my lips to hers.
We kiss for a few moments and I enjoy tasting her. When I pull away, I take her hand and lead her into the hallway.
I grab a bottle of Merlot and two long-stemmed glasses, then take her out to the pool. We sit side by side at the poolside, watching the waning sun and I pour her a glass of wine. When I hand it to her, I note that hope-filled look in her eyes again and I know she’s thinking about her stepfather.
I kiss the top of her nose and set the bottle down.
“I’m working on finding him, Megan,” I say as if I’m continuing a conversation we’ve already been having.
My lips part and she sets her glass down next to the bottle. “How did you know I was thinking about him?”
“I just do.”
She sighs, hugging her knees into her chest, instantly appearing smaller and more girl-like. It’s as if she’s giving the strong woman we’ve seen in her over the last few weeks a break. What I’m seeing seems like a glimpse into her most vulnerable side.
I know what it feels like to be vulnerable. It’s the worst kind of curse for a strong person.
“I don’t know how you will find my stepfather.” She stares deeply at me. “But I’m grateful you want to help me. Life has been tough for a long time.”
“I can imagine. What made you suspect him, Megan?”
“I knew in my heart and when he disappeared with everything my mother owned, I knew I was right. The police didn’t really help even though they tried to find him. Before Gibbs, I had a lawyer investigating, but I ran out of money.” She pauses for a beat. “When my mother married my stepfather, I sensed he was after her money. They met on the set of one of her tv shows. He moved in after dating her for a few weeks. Then they got married months later. Mom thought he was everything, but he was a fucking asshole. If she ever knew what he was like she…”