Page 44 of Theirs
I created a whole personality for Evelina and Levi did what he could to conceal Megan’s real name and hide certain details about her so she can’t be tracked.
Things are bulletproof, but Lorenzo is a man like me. We resort to desperate measures when we don’t get what we want. I just have to make sure I’m one step ahead of him.
Grandfather raises his wine glass and looks at each person sitting around the table. “This is a good night. I only wish my son was here to see us all together celebrating this beautiful news.” He nods at me with fervency. “My boy would be as proud of you as I am.”
Uncontrollable guilt stabs at me. I know he’s proud. My father would indeed be too. So I can’t help feeling like I’m spitting in their faces to get what I want.
I just hope this plan doesn’t blow up and cause any disappointment. I’m not the man to care about such things, but I do when it comes to my family.
Grandfather looks at Megan and reaches out to take her hand. She gives it to him and I can see she’s as awed as I am.
“Welcome to the family, Evelina. I can see you make my grandson very happy just by how he looks at you.”
“Thank you so much. I appreciate that a lot.” She glances at me and smiles, her eyes twinkling.
Grandfather lifts his glass higher. “To family past, present, and future. And to Cristiano, the next don of this family.”
That sounds like music to my ears.
This is really happening. We just need to be married now to make everything official then I don’t have to worry anymore.
I raise my glass in appreciation and toast to the success I hope to gain when I take over the leadership. But when I look at Megan, I feel like I already have everything I want. As I study her face, her cheeks flush and the tenderness in her eyes suggests she feels the same way too.
* * *
The evening wears on and the women talk in the garden while I play pool with my grandfather and Lorenzo in the den. Lorenzo didn’t know I could see the evil looks he cast my way as we played.
It’s in plain sight at the end of the night when I have Megan on my arm and I’m saying my goodbyes to everyone.
The asshole comes up to us after my grandmother hugs Megan and walks away with my grandfather.
“Congratulations again.” Lorenzo stares at me with sordid scrutiny stretching out his hand to shake mine. “Almost thought you wouldn’t be able to pull this off.”
I take his hand and give him my best confident smile, knowing exactly what he means. He looks from me to Megan, the suspicion in his eyes intensifying.
“Almost thought you made up, Evelina.” He tilts his head to the side and those hawk eyes of his bore into me with added venom, like a poison-tipped spear.
Something inside me tightens. It’s not my stomach or the tightening you experience when nerves hit you or you’re worried about something. It’s more like the tension you feel when things are about to slip out of your control and you have to hold everything together. Including your sanity.
“But as you can see, she’s right here.” I keep my tone measured on purpose to show him I’m not fazed, although I am.
“Indeed.” He looks at Megan like he’s still skeptical of her.
“Good to meet you, my dear.” He takes her hand and brings it up to his lips to kiss her knuckles. The gesture toward another man’s woman would be disrespectful if we were sticking to tradition, but he gets away with it because we’ve always treated him like family. “I’m sure you’ll make an excellent addition to the Rivera family.”
“Thank you. That’s so sweet of you to say.” Megan is a better woman than I give her credit for. I know she can sense he’s fake as fuck, yet she still smiles graciously, showing him the same respect you’d give a priest.
“Enjoy the rest of your evening.” Lorenzo tips his head and walks away.
Megan tugs on my arm and I look at her. Worry is evident on her face, but she masks it with a smile.
I brush my cheek over hers. “Come on, let’s get out of here.”
She nods and I take her hand. I don’t let her go until we’re in my car.
Neither of us speaks until we’re a few miles away from my Grandfather’s house.
“I really hope I didn’t mess up tonight.” Megan gives me a tentative stare.