Page 49 of Theirs
I think I can finally try.
* * *
It’s nearly ten o’clock when Cristiano comes home.
As he walks into the living room where I’ve been watching TV with Levi and Knox, I notice he looks more like himself. He’s changed into his usual dark clothes and is carrying a briefcase.
I should feel weird that Cristiano killed Samuel, but I don’t.
I can see Cristiano is expecting me to feel some kind of fear when he looks at me, but I smile at him.
Levi and Knox stand when he comes closer. They took care of me, giving that added support. I suppose I needed it after what happened today.
“We’re gonna head home tonight and give you some time to talk,” Knox says.
“Cool, see you tomorrow.” Cristiano gives him a reassuring pat on his shoulder, then sits next to me.
He drags in a deep breath when Levi and Knox leave and keeps his gaze riveted to mine.
“You okay?” He runs a finger over my thigh.
“I’m okay.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. Thank you for slaying my demon.”
“You are always welcome.” He slips an arm around me and pulls me toward his chest. I rest against the hard wall savoring the sound of his heart beating against my ear. “How about a walk by the river? I think I need some peace and fresh air.”
“That sounds perfect.”
It does.
When we get up and he takes my hand, energy surges through me.
Cristiano and the guys didn’t just slay one of my demons. They set my life back on track and I feel like a new person. One who can go anywhere from here.