Page 56 of Theirs
Shaky legs carry me up the sweeping stone steps to Paige and James’ home.
With the exception of the archways and the absence of the lake, their house would almost look like Cristiano’s. The massive castle-like building looks like it was pulled from the cover of a holiday brochure designed for royalty or aristocrats.
The last time I was here, I was happy and hopeful. Paige had just gotten married and I was at grad school. We were talking about the future and all the things we wanted to do.
Paige and James are both lawyers. Law was actually how they met. James was her college professor and they had a secret affair.
After they got married, James started working on expanding his family business in Italy. Paige made me promise I’d always visit if the day came when they had to move here.
Today, my broken heart used the last ounce of strength I had left to get here.
I just hope Paige doesn’t shun me and remind me that I told her to stay away from me forever. She’d have every right to do so. I’ve turned up on her doorstep in Italy completely unannounced.
I’m a mess and I look like shit. I couldn’t get dressed properly when Cristiano woke me up to go to his grandfather’s office. I also don’t have anything with me like my purse.
It was one of the drivers at the house that brought me here. So I’m sure by now Cristiano knows where I am.
The same said driver had to show ID when we drove onto the property and I had to announce my presence, which means Paige and James know I’m here too.
When the guard let us through, I took that as a good sign she might be willing to talk to me, but every step I take forward feels like I’ve got lead attached to my feet.
I’ve barely rang the doorbell when the door flies open and I find myself standing face to face with Paige.
The sight of her makes my eyes water all over again. Even if this goes wrong, I’m so happy I got to see her.
As she stares at me, I think of the most important thing I need to tell her and that’s how I decide to start.
“I’m so sorry, Paige,” I mumble. “I’m so sorry for everything.”
Before I can get another word out, she throws her arms around me.
More tears come, but this time I cry with relief.
* * *
I told Paige everything.
She took me out to the terrace, where we sat together, talking like old times.
I also saw James briefly before he left us to catch up.
I was so happy to see him looking at Paige the same way he always did as if he was falling deeper in love with her with every passing second.
Part of me knows I wanted love like that and my desire for it blindsided me when it came to Hunter.
As I poured out my heart and talked about all the craziness that had happened to me, she listened.
Now I’m all cried out, and I’ve said everything there was to say, including the fact that I’m in love with three men.
I was sure she was going to think I was crazy at that point, but I’m still waiting for her to cast judgment.
Pushing a lock of her dark hair behind her ear, she tilts her head and takes my hand.
“I’m so sorry you went through so much.” She squeezes my hand and straightens. “Why didn’t you call me after Hunter died? Why didn’t you tell me how much trouble you were in?”
I pull in a quick breath. “I couldn’t. Not after the way I treated you. I deserve what happened to me just for treating you so badly.”