Page 8 of Theirs
“Thank you. You know I aim to please.”
“I do, and it makes me proud.” He nods and brings his gnarled hands together.
“I’m happy to hear you say that.” I cut Lorenzo a glance, noting how quiet he is. It’s unusual, but since I hate the sound of his voice, his silence is fine by me.
“I’m sure you are. Anyway, I know we both have a busy day, so I’ll cut to the chase and get on to the matter of transferring the empire to you.”
“I’ll take that as my cue to leave.” Lorenzo pushes to his feet and adjusts his jacket. When he smiles, I take that as a sign he’s privy to some shit about handing over the business I don’t know. “I’ll catch up with you both later.”
“Okay.” Grandfather glances at him then looks back at me when Lorenzo goes through the door. “I’m sure you’ve been eager to talk about this since I mentioned it.”
“I have.” I’ve been waiting for this moment since he declared his plans
six months ago. As my grandfather’s eldest male heir, the business is supposed to pass to me when he retires.
Back then, he wanted me to do certain things which I’ve done and more than proven myself. Knox and Levi have too. They are my right-hand men and will be my capos when I take the lead. We’ve always worked together and have been friends since birth because their families worked for Rivera Developments.
When I take over, I want them to be equal business partners because they’ve earned it.
“There are a few things I still need you to do,” Grandfather declares.
My nerves spike. “Like what?”
He frowns, deepening the creases already etched on his forehead. “When my grandfather set up this company, it was very important to him to have a legacy that would carry the family name forever. I need to respect that.”
“I respect that too.” I already sense where this conversation is going—because we’ve had it before. It’s the whole marriage thing. He’s wanted me to get married since I was eighteen. I’ve successfully dodged his attempts to get me hitched for the last eleven years.
“I know you respect it, but not the way I do. You’ve been engaged to your Evelina for over a year, and I still haven’t met her.”
My chest tightens at the mention of Evelina—a.k.a my biggest tactic to
escape his last attempt at an arranged marriage.
She also doesn’t exist.
Every time my grandfather talks about her, I wonder how the fuck I’m going to get myself around the situation. I’ve only managed to get away with making him believe she exists because I’m constantly traveling and he hardly sees me. I also believe I sold him the idea because he thinks I fell in love like he did with my grandmother.
“Grandfather, you know she travels a lot. Just like me.” I told him my dear Evelina works with charities so is often working in some country doing her humanitarian projects.
“And what about the wedding?” His eyes bore into me. “When will that be?”
“We’re talking about it.”
“You said that six months ago. If this continues, you’ll be perpetually engaged and never get married.”
That’s the fucking idea. I was going to break up with my made-up girlfriend after I got the business. At that point, I’d be in charge with my own rules.
I appreciate he wants me settled down and wants to impart his wisdom on me, but marriage is a minor detail neither of us needs to worry about. Definitely not when the company is doing so well.
“Grandfather, you don’t have to worry about Evelina and me. And you don’t have to worry about the company either.” I rivet my gaze to his fading blue eyes, instilling the subtle change of subject. “You know I’m capable. The guys and I have done wonders as a team. The Giordanos and all our high-profile clientele are impressed with us. The empire is in safe hands. There’s nothing to worry about. All you can expect from us is more success, wealth, and power.”
“My dear boy, you’re talking about everything besides the one thing I value the most.”
Family. I bite down hard on my back teeth and try to tamp down my annoyance. The subject of family shouldn’t be annoying, but it is when he brings it up with business.
“Family is our legacy.” His face becomes softer, his eyes less guarded and harsh. “If I pass the empire to you. I need to know it will continue with you.”
I hate the way he said if. I want to ask him what the fuck he means by it, but I hold my tongue and contemplate other ways of clarifying.