Page 32 of The Bodyguard
“But what if he was really big?” Jack lifted up his arms like a bear.
I squinted at him. “I don’t think you understand how jujitsu works.”
He squinted back.
“You don’t believe me?” I asked. “Do you realize how sexist that is?”
“It’s not sexist…” he protested. “It’s just… physics. How does somebody your size take down somebody my size?”
“That’s not physics,” I said. “That’s ignorance.”
“Show me,” he said.
“Jujitsu me.”
I sighed. “You want me to take you down? Right now?”
“I mean, not really. But I do think I’d sleep easier if I knew for a fact that you could.”
“You’re saying you want me to hurt you? For real? Because if I do what you’re suggesting, I’ll definitely knock the wind out of you—and possibly dislocate your shoulder, too.”
This was a genuinely bad idea.
But I guess Jack did want me to hurt him, because he grabbed my hand and dragged me out his back door, across the patio, to a patch of grass by the pool. “Bad idea, bad idea, bad idea,” I said, as he tugged me behind him.
“See how easy it is for me to manhandle you, though?” he called back.
And I guess that’s when I gave in. I was never a big fan of being underestimated. Especially by a guy who thought I was the cleaning lady.
He wanted me to hurt him?
Fine. I’d hurt him.
When we reached the grass, he let go of my hand and jogged off a little further. Then he U-turned and came back at me, launching into a run.
I guess we were doing this.
By this point, there was no decision to make. Once a six-foot-three guy starts running straight for you—there are no decisions left. You just do what you’re trained to do.
As soon as he reached me, I grabbed his left wrist with both hands, yanked it down, and rammed my hips into his. The trick here is to get a rolling motion. You’re pulling his arm and shoulders down while you’re shoving his lower half up—and then forcing a roll over the pommel of your butt.
It sounds more complex than it is.
To sum up: You tuck your head, and over he goes.
In less than a second, he was flat on his back.